Version Diffing with Python: Part 1

Commit Diffing with Python

This tutorial will explore a simple approach to comparing objects from Speckle commits. Speckle is a data management platform that allows users to store, share, and manage data across multiple applications. The goal of this tutorial is to provide you with an understanding of and be able to build from the following:

  1. Using Speckle SDKs :hammer_and_wrench:: We will start by demonstrating how to use the SpeckleP SDK to retrieve and handle source data from Speckle. This will help you understand how to work with the Speckle platform more effectively and perform the comparison using the SDKs. (Jupyter Notebook)

  2. Basic Example in Python :snake:: Next, we will provide a simple Python implementation to compare JSON objects from two Speckle commits. This will help you understand the basic structure of the problem and how to approach it. (Jupyter Notebook)

By the end of this tutorial, you should clearly understand how to compare objects from Speckle commits and how to choose the best approach based on your specific use case. :bulb:

This is broken out of a mammoth notebook, so Iā€™ve split it into bite-sized chunks. Subsequent parts of this Series will cover the following:

  1. Automation: Operating the comparison in response to new data,
  2. Processing at Scale: Best practices for making large comparisons,
  3. Identifying Similarity: Handling data without applicationIds (did someone say ML?),
  4. Data Auditing: Reporting on changed values and who changed them.

Using Speckle SDKs

The Speckle SDKs provide tools to help you work with the Speckle platform. In this tutorial, we will use the Speckle Python SDK (specklepy) to retrieve and handle source data from Speckle. The specklepy is a Python library that allows you to interact with the Speckle API and perform various operations on Speckle objects. You can find more information about the Speckle Python SDK here.


To install the Speckle Python SDK, you can use the following command:

pip install specklepy

In a Jupyter Notebook, I add some special sauce for cli tasks into the Jupyter kernel. This allows me to run the same code in a notebook as in a terminal. %%capture is a Jupyter magic command that captures the output of a cell, useful for installs which are noisy outputs

%pip install specklepy

# dotenv is a library that allows you to load the environment 
# variables from a .env file to avoid committing secrets to source control
%pip install python-dotenv
%reload_ext dotenv

Retrieving the Speckle commit data is a two-step process. First, we need to retrieve the commit object from the Speckle server. Then, we can use the commit object to retrieve the actual data. The following code snippet demonstrates how to retrieve the commit object from the Speckle server:


# boilerplate user credentials and server

import os
from specklepy.api.client import SpeckleClient

client = SpeckleClient(host=HOST_SERVER)  # or whatever your host is
client.authenticate_with_token(ACCESS_TOKEN)  # or whatever your token is

Getting Speckle Data

I will choose a stream and for this first simple example i will retrieve the latest commit to the main branch.

stream_id = "20e76a799c"  # or whatever your stream id is
from specklepy.transports.server import ServerTransport
from specklepy.api.wrapper import StreamWrapper

transport = ServerTransport(client=client, stream_id=stream_id)

stream =

By default the commit.list() returns from most recent to oldest, so we can just take the first item in the list.

commits = client.commit.list(stream_id=stream_id, limit=2)

from specklepy.api import operations

# get obj id from latest commit
latest = commits[0].referencedObject
previous = commits[1].referencedObject

# receive objects from speckle
latest_data = operations.receive(obj_id=latest, remote_transport=transport)
previous_data = operations.receive(obj_id=previous, remote_transport=transport)

In this example Iā€™m using a simple model from Rhino. This topmost object is a Collections object of type rhino model.

First Commit

Second Commit

The totalChildrenCount is 25, but those can be a nested structure of any depth. This is a collection of all the elements sent in that commit. This is a straightforward model for ease, but in principle, you will need to transform the nested data into a flat structure.

We have an example of how to do this in .NET in the Speckle Docs, but Iā€™ll interpret it in Python here.

from import Iterable, Mapping
from specklepy.objects import Base

def flatten(obj, visited=None):
    # Avoiding pesky circular references
    if visited is None:
        visited = set()

    if obj in visited:


    # Define a logic for what objects to include in the diff
    should_include = any(
            hasattr(obj, "displayValue"),
            hasattr(obj, "speckle_type")
            and obj.speckle_type == "Objects.Organization.Collection",
            hasattr(obj, "displayStyle"),

    if should_include:
        yield obj

    props = obj.__dict__

    # traverse the object's nested properties - 
    # which may include yieldable objects
    for prop in props:
        value = getattr(obj, prop)

        if value is None:

        if isinstance(value, Base):
            yield from flatten(value, visited)

        elif isinstance(value, Mapping):
            for dict_value in value.values():
                if isinstance(dict_value, Base):
                    yield from flatten(dict_value, visited)

        elif isinstance(value, Iterable):
            for list_value in value:
                if isinstance(list_value, Base):
                    yield from flatten(list_value, visited)

NB: The Speckle ObjectLoader Javascript package also has a flatten function that can be used to do this. To do this with .NET and SpeckleSharp, the GraphTraversal methods can define a custom TraversalBreaker function.

Youā€™ll also find flattening methods in some of our Connectors codes - choose your poison.

latest_objects = list(flatten(latest_data))
previous_objects = list(flatten(previous_data))

The task is to compare the two commits and find the differences.

from specklepy.objects.base import Base
from typing import List, Tuple

def compare_speckle_commits(
    commit1_objects: List[Base], commit2_objects: List[Base]
) -> Tuple[List[Tuple[Base, Base]], List[Tuple[None, Base]], List[Tuple[Base, None]]]:
    commit1_dict = { obj for obj in commit1_objects[1:]}
    commit2_dict = { obj for obj in commit2_objects[1:]}

    # Find unchanged objects
    for obj_id in commit1_dict.keys():
        if obj_id in commit2_dict.keys():
            yield (commit1_dict[obj_id], commit2_dict[obj_id]) # old, new

    # Find changed objects
    for obj_id, obj in commit1_dict.items():
        if obj_id not in commit2_dict.keys() and obj.applicationId in [
            x.applicationId for x in commit2_dict.values()
            yield (
                obj, # old object
                [ x for x in commit2_dict.values()
                    if x.applicationId == obj.applicationId
                ][0], # new changed object

    # Find added objects
    for obj_id, obj in commit2_dict.items():
        if obj_id not in commit1_dict.keys() and obj.applicationId not in [
            x.applicationId for x in commit1_dict.values()
            yield (None, obj) # old, new

    # Find removed objects
    for obj_id, obj in commit1_dict.items():
        if obj_id not in commit2_dict.keys() and obj.applicationId not in [
            x.applicationId for x in commit2_dict.values()
            yield (obj, None) # old, new

NB: Thinking about processing

I am using lists in this first example, knowing that we are using a small data sample, but this is potentially an O(n^2) operation. Converting these to sets could improve this to O(n), but we will leave that for later. Perhaps Iā€™ll award extra credit for community contributions. :smiley:

Side note: Collections

Thinking ahead, I will store the results of this diff in Speckle itself. The Base commit object should reflect the desired resultā€™s ā€˜shapeā€™. We have recently added Collections to the Speckle Core. specklepy will soon sync with Speckle-sharp and include the Collections object, but for now, we can use an in-place version from this example.

from typing import Optional

class Collection(
    Base, speckle_type="Objects.Organization.Collection", detachable={"elements"}
    name: Optional[str] = None
    collectionType: Optional[str] = None
    elements: Optional[List[Base]] = None

The Diff

The meat and potatoes of the comparison are the diff function. This recursive function will compare the two objects and return a list of differences. It will sort the objects into four categories: added, removed, modified, and unchanged.

The ā€˜modifiedā€™ category is the most interesting. It will use the applicationId to determine if an added object is the same as a removed object. If it is, it will be marked as modified. If not, the objects from previous and latest will be marked as added and removed.

Highlighting what has changed is beyond the scope of this tutorial, but you can use the diff function to find the differences and then use just those ids to limit the scope of your more intensive comparison.

# Compare two Speckle commits and populate a base object with the results
def store_speckle_commit_diff(commit1_objects, commit2_objects):
    diff = {
      'changed': [],
      'added': [],
      'removed': [],
      'unchanged': []

    for obj in compare_speckle_commits(commit1_objects, commit2_objects):
        if getattr(obj[0], "id", None) == getattr(obj[1], "id", None):            
            diff["unchanged"].append(obj[0]) # old object, though it's the same as the new object
        elif (
            obj[0] is not None
            and obj[1] is not None
            and getattr(obj[0], "id", None) != getattr(obj[1], "id", None)
            diff["changed"].append(obj[1]) # new object
        elif obj[0] is None and obj[1] is not None:
            diff["added"].append(obj[1]) # new object
        elif obj[0] is not None and obj[1] is None:
            diff["removed"].append(obj[0]) # old object

    return diff

NB: Processing at scale.

A subsequent part of this tutorial will revisit this methodology which requires a lot of data held in memory as source and result. Various options might spring to mind for handling when that gets large, but that is for another day.

The Results

Letā€™s use Speckle to store the results.

diff_result = Base(name="Diff")

unchanged = Collection(
        for o in diff["unchanged"]
        if o.speckle_type != "Objects.Organization.Collection"
    collectionType="Unchanged Objects",
changed = Collection(
        for o in diff["changed_to"]
        if o.speckle_type != "Objects.Organization.Collection"
    collectionType="Changed Objects",
added = Collection(
        o for o in diff["added"] if o.speckle_type != "Objects.Organization.Collection"
    collectionType="Added Objects",
removed = Collection(
        for o in diff["removed"]
        if o.speckle_type != "Objects.Organization.Collection"
    collectionType="Removed Objects",

diff_result["@unchanged"] = unchanged
diff_result["@changed"] = changed
diff_result["@added"] = added
diff_result["@removed"] = removed

obj_id = operations.send(base=diff_result, transports=[transport])
commit_id = client.commit.create(

With those three objects, we can now compare what has changed.

With just the added and removed objects, we can start to show which are the same objects represented by a different hash.

Wrapping up

This basic example will examine the applicationIds property* of the Speckle objects and compare the values of the two commits. If the values are found in both added and removed, the object will be added to the changed list. If the values are found in the added list only, then the object will be added to the added list. If the values are found in the removed list only, then the object will be added to the removed list.

Just a few additional notes:

  • Keeping this diff commit separate is a very good idea because the diff is a programmatically committed version of the source data.

  • But given that it is an analysis result, we could amend the displayValues of those objects to reinforce what the data structure shows. The classic red-amber-green is typical.

  • Not all software produces reliable applicationIds, so this method is not foolproof. It is a good starting point, but you may need to use other properties to determine if two objects are identical.

  • This simplified version of the diff process might not work for every scenario. For example, if the model has been manipulated in such a way that the applicationId of an object changes (e.g., an object was deleted and a new one was created in its place), this will be detected as a removed and added object, not a modified one.

  • The diff operation can be quite resource intensive depending on the size of the commits. Itā€™s generally a good idea to limit the scope of the diff to the parts of the model youā€™re interested in, if possible.

  • Lastly, itā€™s important to mention that the diff operation is performed locally on your machine using the data fetched from the server. Your machine needs sufficient resources to perform this operation, especially for large models.

Next Time: Automation

The next tutorial will cover automating the comparison process using the Speckle SDKs. This will demonstrate running analysis in response to change as indicated by new commits to a stream.

Additional Resources


Some debate about what to do with the objects that have been changed, a small modification could be made:

# Compare two Speckle commits and populate a base object with the results
def store_speckle_commit_diff(commit1_objects, commit2_objects):
    diff = {
      'changed_to': [],
      'changed_from': [],
      'added': [],
      'removed': [],
      'unchanged': []

    for obj in compare_speckle_commits(commit1_objects, commit2_objects):
        if getattr(obj[0], "id", None) == getattr(obj[1], "id", None):            
            diff["unchanged"].append(obj[0]) # old object, though it's the same as the new object
        elif (
            obj[0] is not None
            and obj[1] is not None
            and getattr(obj[0], "id", None) != getattr(obj[1], "id", None)

            diff["changed_to"].append(obj[1]) # new object
            diff["changed_from"].append(obj[0]) # old object

        elif obj[0] is None and obj[1] is not None:
            diff["added"].append(obj[1]) # new object
        elif obj[0] is not None and obj[1] is None:
            diff["removed"].append(obj[0]) # old object

    return diff

For further analysis down the line, this may be useful information to retain.


I was asked about this nuance.

The Flatten function retained the Rhino layers as Collection objects. These will inevitably be changed objects. Your rules for what to keep or omit will be up to you. For this simple viewer-only example, this was acceptable lost data.


:heart: Another banger of a post @jonathon ! Iā€™ve been stewing over this post for a lil bit, basically trying to wrap my head around how this folds into speckle based workflows and when someone would want to leverage diffs. I think it makes total sense with analytical tools and workflows using speckle, (I can already see how I would use it with some of my projects) but Iā€™m sorta struggling to imagine how a designer would leverage this.

Do you think these type of operations would be supported at the connector level for users? For instance, would there be a node in gh called Create Speckle Diff that would allow someone to investigate a diff. I could see this being handy in a few use cases. We had one project committing model data between landscape and architecture that was using certain objects as source of truths (i.e. reference points, set backs, doors) and there were a couple of moments where model content had changed but the team wasnā€™t sure what or how something changed unless they had the other team point out directly what happened. I could see diffs being something that could help improve those moments of collaboration.

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Absolutely valid.

This programmatic route is specifically aimed at the generation of diffing reports. Why might this be useful?

  1. Visual record on the Web of what has changed
  2. Onward reporting of changed elements

To your design teamā€™s point, this might not be a perfect fit. But it does bring into play the Automation part of the Speckle jigsaw. If key information on selected branches were important as you describe (great potential for a write-up by the way @sendaspeckle ) then the in-house Speckle champion might see an opportunity to have some reporting mechanismā€¦ Automated Commenting, SMS/Slack/Teams, or even Email notifications :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes::nauseated_face:

A semi-hypothetical anecdote

Letā€™s say a company has built an app on top of Speckle. For them, every commit is used to update their database. The use case for them could be (for which I need to publish part 2) that when a commit is made, a script like this example is triggered on a webhook on the main model branch, say. A version of the script then makes a ā€œDIff!ā€ commit to a Diffing model branch to whatever structure they like. This version may completely omit the Unchanged set of objects.

Another webhook also on commit_create then pings their app and they can retrieve the ids of Deleted elements, and the new data for changed elements. Technically this is then a much smaller payload.

Whether this process Iā€™ve quickly described is actually ideal is debatable, not least because in fact the object processing is done twiceā€¦ but where the Diff commit is reduced to being a lightweight Idā€™s data-only commit, the server query could be reducedā€¦ [or letā€™s say the Speckle gods allow automation to run directly on the Speckle infrastructureā€¦??? :face_exhaling::chipmunk:] YMMV


You got me Googling again Jonathon :stuck_out_tongue:

I agree and think diffing is super valuable. I can see a diffing tool (that has been teased as a PoC a few months ago during the stand) as a great replacement for the old school revision clouds so the receiving party can very easily (no scripting for our less tech savvy users) and quickly generate an overview of the difference between two commits + no need to rely on the due diligence of the sending party to document all changes properly. So the receiving team can see where the changes are and what they entail when the diffing app highlights the new/edited/deleted objects and maybe shows if only the geometry has changed or only the meta deta.

Bye bye manual revision clouds :wave:


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