

I’m Jonathon and I support AECO industry professionals to deliver high quality, efficient and joyous places, spaces and infrastructure.

I help clients and management teams provide a sustainable business platform from which design can prosper by leveraging data, virtual design, technology and information analysis.

I advocate for collaborative work practices including methodologies for distributed teams to organise without requiring bricks, mortar or even an employer in Architecture and Software Engineering fields.

That’s the cringy marketing over… :face_vomiting:
I’ve been tinkering and hacking down a series of technological dead ends for decades. Fingers burned by late nights and grey hairs caused by: Generative Components, Lightwave, Flux in architectural practice.

But there have been wins too: Grasshopper and FME for Urban Analysis, Navisowkrs API and the entire Google Cloud Platform for myriad ways to extract data out of CAD and BIM formats unwilling to yield it.

…and so on to Speckle, hedging my free time bets here.

:people_with_bunny_ears: I’m looking to collaborate on the fat middle
:speech_balloon: Ask me about ‘doing’ BIM before it was cool.
:closed_mailbox_with_raised_flag: How to reach me: Twitter > @jsdbroughton
Oh and I’ve been known to actually be an architect at times. Does anyone need some ballet barres?

Provenance: Rogers, Alsop, Allies and Morrison, GRFN