Issue with connection to from Manager and most connectors

Hey @Community ! We are aware of an issue that occurred today that caused Speckle Manager and most connectors to experience an error when connecting to or

Firstly, we are extremely sorry this occurred and understand your pain and frustration today.

Secondly, this issue can be resolved by removing your (or account from Speckle Manager, and then add it again from Speckle Manager. Please refer to our documentation if you need further information.


We are still investigating this incident and will provide a post-mortem in due course.

Again, please accept our apologies,

The Speckle team


@Community If you are experiencing issues sending or receiving from connectors, it is related to this. We are working on a fix and will share more updates.


instructions for the workaround - removing the account and re-adding - don’t work. on attempt to re add, the speckle manager launches the auth website, auth goes ahead and seems to work on the web, but then the manager throws an “auth flow failed” error and wont connect the account.

A post was split to a new topic: Impossibility to use Manager

Could you please try again now?

The issue has now been fixed - if anyone has similar problems:

  • try removing and re-adding the account/s from Manger
  • if using personal access tokens, request a new one

Hey @Community

We have identified and fixed the issue, that was causing issues with manager and connectors. Sorry for the inconvenience.
You should not need the mentioned workaround any more. We’re not aware of any outstanding issues any more, but if something is still not right, please let us know.


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2 posts were split to a new topic: Projects not loading in Rhino 8 connector v2.20.3