Introduce yourself 🙆

Welcome Gabriel, and please keep the feedback coming!

:eyes: Is that the Hardergrat? Definitely on my bucket list :starstruck_spockle:

Welcome @Kshitij_Nashine! Good luck with your Phd, you might find our SpecklePy library useful.

Welcome @Arniek! Also keen to hear your feedback in regard to our data exchange capabilities :spockle_smirk:

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I am Daniel Salcedo, an enthusiast of everything related to openbim and opensource, I currently work as a university professor and I teach my students all these new things and we do practical exercises.
In addition, there are already 3 theses in development with
Speckle+ ERP


Hi everyone!

I am Frode (not not Frodo :grin: - it’s a Norse viking name, meaning “the wise guy” :slight_smile: . I work with BIM at Statsbygg, one of the major government clients in Norway. We started with BIM already back in 2004, and have had open BIM requirements based on IFC since around 2011 (IFC 2x3 first, IFC 4 now, looking forward to IFC 4.3 and 5), since 2020 also machine readable requirement sets based om mvdXML, moving on to the upcoming IDS standard from buildingSMART as soon as it is finalized as IDS 1.0. We require IFC exports from our designers, but they are free to choose their CAD system (like Arvhicad, Revit, Tekla Structures, Vectorworks, MagiCAD tec), as long as they can collaborate with each other and us as a client by IFC and other buildingSMART standards (like BCF). Looking forward to see how Specle can fit into the puzzle.


Hey @fmohus always good to welcome more wise guys here.

We have a different but compatible take on what collaboration with data can look like with the BuildingSmart approaches. This is partly because Speckle is not just AEC-ready but has a broader spectrum of use cases.

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I know, that’s just why Speckle is interesting :slightly_smiling_face:

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Hello everyone,

My name is Pepe Ribera

I am an architect by training,

I have been working in the development of architectural projects, mainly, and other disciplines, with BIM methodology for 16 years,

I started following Speckle 3 years ago, as well as other OpenSource projects like IFC.js, now ThatOpenCompany, and Blender BIM,

And I have to say, Speckle is one of the most inspiring projects in technology associated with AEC industry I have ever come across,

I wish I can help in some way,

Thank you very much, for your commitment,

Yes. Go #OpenBim. Go #OpenSource.


Welcome and thanks for the nice words!!

There’s many different ways in which you can help: starting from the usuals such as providing feedback & reporting bugs. We’re also always keen to get use cases, sample models, and additional insights into the problem Speckle is solving for you.

Intorducing your co-workers and network to Speckle is also another invaluable way to support us, and we can help by providing presentation material, and maybe swag too :wink:


Hi All.

I am Arthur , Change and Innovation Lead for Bond Bryan Architects, based in the UK. Whilst originally an architect myself I moved on to focus on workflows and tools to help our practice design better buildings and with more efficiencies.

I have always been a BIM enthusiast and supported open standards as much as possible. I am now looking a lot at AI and implementing some of these in our designs and workflows - always trying to look ahead isnt it ! :slight_smile:

Looking forward to exploring Speckle which seems like a great tool.


Welcome, @Kebbre, we are pleased to see you and also BBA, who have long been champions of open data workflows.


Hey Speckle Community!

I’m Danny - new to Speckle. My background is in design and architecture specializing in computational design and fabrication. I’m the Director of Technology at Island Exterior Fabricators. Our digital delivery workflows span system design, BIM and fabrication modeling, prefab manufacturing, and site installation of high-performance building envelopes. I am primarily interested in leveraging Speckles 3D viewer in Power BI to connect our BIM models to other design and manufacturing data to increase project visibility. Though I see many other potential Speckle workflow integrations.

Looking forward to seeing where this Speckle journey goes.


Hi All

My name is Vladimir, working closely with BIM, mostly 4D and 5D, planning in AEC in Serbia and trying to implement Speckle with Bexel, Revit and PBI. Also the big enthusiast in AEC. Thank you very much for opening this community and helping us


Hi I’m Jesus M. Caburnay Jr. Filipino and working in Singapore as BIM Manager. i’m so happy that there’s a software that i can used our 3D more than just Revit flatform. Combine other software to one community. Hope that i can learn more in your Forum.


Hello everyone

My name is Gabriel, and I’m a BIM enthusiast working for a structural engineering firm based in Canada :canada:. Speckle was briefly introduced to us during specialized course on data analytics, and since then, I can’t stop thinking about it. I see something significant in Speckle, and I believe in this project. Open source too… WOW!

I’m here to stay updated on the development and contribute to the community as much as possible.

I have some experience in programming, but I’ve mainly worked with Autodesk software throughout my career.

Thanks to the Speckle team! :wave:


Hello everyone! :wave:
I’m Mirna and I joined Speckle as the Content and Social Media Manager. :partying_face:

I’m excited about my mission because I get to create content that fuels your success with Speckle and make sure our social media feels like home to you. :blue_heart:

Community is the driving force behind everything our team does, and making sure you feel that in every image, video, or line of text written on our channels will be a pleasure! So I’m looking forward to getting to know you all and finding out what you’d like to see/read/discover/discuss on Speckle’s social media so we can make it happen. :sunglasses:

And a little bit about me, for anyone curious:

  • before I dove into digital marketing, I used to be a radio DJ :radio:
  • I come from Croatia but I live in Oslo now (if anyone wants to grab a coffee at Fuglen, let me know!)
  • If there’s any chance for it, you’ll usually find me swimming in the sea. Even when it’s frozen… If there’s a sauna nearby! :sweat_smile:

Happy to be here!


Hello Specklers,

I’m Nikos, and I recently joined the Speckle team as a Solutions Architect. My background is in architecture, and for the past few years, I’ve been working as a Computational Designer for Hassell in London and for Lendlease (Podium) in Milan. Currently, I’m based in Berlin, Germany, but you’ll often find me traveling around or simply relaxing on a beach in Greece. :sunglasses:

I love solving problems and getting creative with code. I mainly work with Javascript/Typescript and Python. I’m a huge fan of good design and user experience - I always strive to push for intuitive applications that can be easily understood and used by everyone.

As a huge fan of open-source tech, I’m really excited to start working for Speckle! With the unlimited power to build unique applications, break data silos, and make data accessible to everyone.

I’m really excited to support this amazing Speckle community and make AEC better! :rocket:


Greetings from Peru, I’m Jonatán.
architect by profession
BIM specialist.

very attentive to technology and collaborative advances.


os dejo un proyecto de auditorio en el que estoy trabajando con ArchiCAD 27 .



I am Janick. I live in Munich, Germany.

I am coming from the AI space. Studied AI and robotics and Technical University Munich. Currently writing my Master’s Thesis on BIM Information Retrieval via LLMs. Using Speckle as the BIM framework for it. Therefore I am currently having some deeper looks into specklepy.

At the same time working with @VinzenzTrimborn to start a company at the intersection of AI and building design. Talked to over 150 people in the industry last year. Stay tuned, more to come!

Follow me on LinkedIn for more updates: Also writing about AI in AEC there! Looking forward to more good discussions here!!


Hi Janick! Welcome to the community. I’m interested in your experience and application of LLMs + BIM. I did some experiments last year with function calling and OpenAI APIs. It worked to an extent, but the use cases I found around me required a high level of accuracy which was hard to achieve.


Welcome to these parts @janix .

Your recent social post about no one doing data analytics in AEC triggered me a little! :spockle_smirk: Perhaps we can continue that debate here sometime. :spockle_joy:

I’m fascinated by anyone looking to make using AI, not a buzzword. :honeybee:


Hey @teocomi - haha yes this is Hardergrat :sunglasses:

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