Introduce yourself šŸ™†

Ā”Hola @Clebson_Vasconcelos !
Ā”Bienvenido a nuestra comunidad! Estamos encantados de tenerte aquĆ­. Si tienes alguna idea sobre cĆ³mo podemos mejorar nuestra conexiĆ³n con Power BI, Ā”nos encantarĆ­a escucharte! No dudes en compartir tus pensamientos con nosotros.

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Hello everyone,

My name is Shijo Jose, and I am thrilled to connect with this vibrant community as a BIM Implementation Specialist. In the ever-evolving landscape of Building Information Modeling (BIM), thereā€™s nothing more captivating than exploring the potential of OpenBIM workflows.

Today, Iā€™m reaching out to all of you with a specific focus on a tool thatā€™s been making waves in our industry - Speckle. As we all know, seamless data transfer between different software is the backbone of any successful project. Thatā€™s where Speckle steps in, offering a bridge between diverse BIM applications.

Iā€™m eager to tap into the collective wisdom of this community and hear your insights on how Speckle has played a role in your workflows. As someone deeply passionate about BIM, Iā€™m keen to discover how Speckle has made data transfer between software platforms a breeze in your projects.

Have you experienced the transformative power of Speckle in your work life? How has it contributed to the success of your projects? Your stories, tips, and experiences are gold, and I canā€™t wait to learn from each of you.

Please share your thoughts on how Speckle has become an integral part of your BIM processes and how itā€™s shaping the way we work. Your insights will not only benefit me but the entire community.

Looking forward to diving into the rich tapestry of experiences that Speckle brings to our BIM journeys.


Hello, this is Firat! :raising_hand_man:

First off, Iā€™m not a new face here (yay!) but Iā€™m thrilled to finally get a chance to write a proper intro. :tada:

I believe my destiny was written to engineer and develop things. This journey has many facets. First and foremost, I engineer and develop myself. This process often resembles a soup (definitely a delicious one). Itā€™s brewed with patience, hard work, a love for reading, struggles, stress, and many smiles. Itā€™s tough, but who said it would be easy? This process has shaped ā€œmeā€, and I must confess, Iā€™m very proud of it. :rocket:

Secondly, I love developing the phenomenon of ā€œbeing under a roofā€. This was initiated by my professional life, investing years to become a thorough Civil-Structure Engineer & Developer, earning my BS and MS from Istanbul Tech University, and starting my Ph.D. at Ohio State University. :mortar_board:

Somewhere between the second and third, Iā€™d like to highlight the developer side of myself. Even though I often wonder how this happened to me, I finally find myself going to bed with peace and happiness by knowing this was the right action to take. Yes, I am a developer too, half self-taught and half boot-camped (not an eash and short one, the one with tears and sleepless nightsā€‹:blush:). :computer:

During my nearly five-year academic journey at Istanbul Tech, Gebze Tech from Turkey, Ohio State University, and the National Institute of Science and Technology from the US, I gained one crucial insight: THE ONE WHO SEEKS QUALITY AND SAFETY NEEDS TO KNOW CODE! I knew it, felt it, and was hurt because of lacking it. I still donā€™t feel confident and never want to, as I believe that keeps the core and spirit of our development alive. :seedling:

Thirdly, my enthusiasm lies in compounding Civil-Structure-Architecture techs with automation and code-based activities. In this section, I realized - a long time ago - there is Speckle. And really, I deeply appreciate the entire Speckle Team, starting from its founders and considering every member of this team. Actively, Iā€™d like to be in this section right now. I know thereā€™s a lot to learn, but I have the patience, desire, and skill for this. :blush:

Last but not least, thereā€™s my family, my garden, my flowers, my passion for photography and creativity, my endless desire for reading, my care for my nieces and nephews, my deep and strong relationships with my friends and family members, my eggplant recipes, pizzas so on so forth. :blossom:

Hereā€™s a tiny subset of my journey that Iā€™ve tried to share with this great team and its contributors. As weā€™ll hang out here a lot, Iā€™m hoping to spend this time as fruitfully as possible. :apple:



Hey there!
My name is Arvind. I worked for about 2 years as an architect in India and am now studying Architectural Computation at the Bartlett in London.

Iā€™m currently working on a faƧade optimization problem using machine learning.
I only learnt about Speckle a couple of days ago and have been using it to shuttle data back and forth between Grasshopper and a Colab notebook to train and test my ML model. Canā€™t wait to dig deeper and explore other potential uses!

When Iā€™m not working on stuff for uni, Iā€™m painting, exploring London, and watching an unhealthy amount of D&D actual-play.

Look forward to maybe seeing some of you in person if thereā€™s another London meet-up in the works :smiley:


Great to have you here @Arvind_py if you get to a point you can share more details we love to hear more.

If it serves any help @andrewnorris gave a great presentation of his work on classifications of speckle data with ML:


My name is Jacques and I work at OIB, an office managing buildings and infrastructures in Brussels (Belgium). We manage works, moves, and lot of stuff to have people happy in the buildings (Facility Management), but all those things are managed separately, with some links between applications but not always, bidirectional but not always. Iā€™m exploring solutions with BIM and other standards to gather the info in a central system, and connect all the parts together. I discovered Speckle very recently, itā€™s an amazing product, hope it will fit our needs, at least partially.
As we are behind a corporate proxy and do not want having our plans and info publicly available, Iā€™m forced to set up a local server (what I did) and explore capabilities that way.

During my free time, I take care of my family and friends of course, and I belong to the board of some local schools (about 2500 children from 3 to 18 years old), where I help developing networks, WIFI in each classroom, and so on.


Thatā€™s fantastic! Are you using any specific software for management? Last year, I experimented with Speckle and IoT data to develop a digital twin prototype. Although it wasnā€™t for operational purposes, it was part of our work in testing and evaluating new construction solutions, particularly focusing on Modern Methods of Construction (MMCs).

I found Speckle to be highly effective in managing information. The primary challenge, however, lies in managing and adding data to the model, which seems to be a universal issue. If youā€™ve already figured out an efficient way to handle this in your current system, integrating Speckle should work well for you.

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Iā€™m new in the discipline, coming from IT infrastructures, and having some experience in collecting sensor data from BMS (Building Management Systems) for energy reports. Some maintenance is managed with CarlSource and space management is done with Archibus. Works are managed in Archibus then drawed in AutoCAD and there is a connector between Archibus and AutoCAD. Now we want to go further and find a way to have one central repository for plans and all related data. Speckle is interesting in the way they connect to about everything, but I think that we should in parallel look at a BOS (like xBOS from Berkeley University, or other platforms) to manage metadata to describe the buildings, logs from sensors, and assets documentation plus ticketing. Any tip or guidance is welcome.


@Ricardo_Zepeda and @japetit, I am anticipating a strong level of use for Speckle Automate in this area.

We will see. Some functions are not available with a local server, like PowerBI visualisation that I just checked and found very interesting for reportsā€¦ Unfortunately, it works currently only on Speckleā€™s cloud server. Hope it will be ported to local server tooā€¦

Hey everyone!

Iā€™m Adriana. Originally studied Architecture in Cuba, but around 7 years back, I got into specializing in BIM methodology over in Spain, which is where Iā€™m currently based.

Started off as a BIM Manager in smaller architecture firms, but then got the opportunity to dive into a large-scale project, which totally shifted my perspective. Now, Iā€™m all about exploring different kinds of oportunities.

Lately, Iā€™ve been on the hunt for a fresh challenge in my career. Thatā€™s why Iā€™ve been hitting the books on Python and keeping my finger on the pulse of the latest trends in the AEC industry.

When Iā€™m not glued to the screen, you can catch me on the padel court or kicking back with friends over a beer. Cheers!


Hi there!

Iā€™m a BIM Coordinator in a portuguese AEC company.
Despite having known about Speckle for a few years, it was only recently that I started to explore it.
We all win when we share experiences with each other, thatā€™s why I decided to join this community.


Thatā€™s so true! :star_struck:
Welcome and looking forward to seeing you around here :speckle:

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Hello, everyone!

Iā€™m Eduardo Olivo, a civil engineer and BIM manager from Brazil.

I have a wide range of experinces in the AEC industry, from construction sites to project development, cost estimation, planning, management and others, always working with BIM.

Recently found speckle and canā€™t stop been amazed by it! I believe it will help a lot in the mission to get BIM closer to the buildings and available to other stakeholders.




Who I am ?

Iā€™m a French Guy which use rhino and grasshopper for a long time (i have the leel 1 and 2 of rhino)
I use rhino to drawing in jewelry.
I use python a little too and some other programming language but in tourist mode

I would like to use rhino and grasshopper to share free some parametric object for automatic print or laser cutting.

So, hi everybody and sorry for my poor english.

big up for your good jobā€¦


Welcome @Marc_HERMOUET !
Wow, jewelry, such an interesting use case :slight_smile:

Do you have any projects (aka Streams) that you can share publicly?


Not yet, I work for famous company so I canā€™t share their product.
But, I promise to share some classical model like diamonds RING and with the speckle add-in I could share it and everyone will be able to choose the good ring sizeā€¦
And I have many other Idea to do to share usual parametric object and export direct to STL to 3D print. (like pipe fitting)ā€¦


Hi there,
This is Kshitij Nashine Iā€™m an Architect from India , interested in Bridging the gap between AEC and Tech. I started jumping between tools during my masters in Computational Design since each tools has its unique capabilities. Iā€™m also the 7th architect in my family which made me realize the requirement of penetration of tech in AEC at a very early stage. I developed several workflows to optimize project management and early stage conceptual design processes.

Currently Iā€™m in the first semester of my Phd (part-time) at Structural Engineering Dept, VNIT, India.
Iā€™ll be focusing on Facade and Structural Topology optimization for High rise buildings. Iā€™m Currently learning python to use scientific machine learning for my research.

Iā€™m Excited to be a part of the community and wish to meet you all in person too.


Hello all,

My name is Arniek, and I am a Dutch student currently working on a graduate project at hz university of applied sciences. My research focuses on improving data exchange and collaboration between different software packages in the construction industry, and I am specifically interested in using Speckle as a possible solution to these challenges.

In the increasingly digital world of construction engineering and architecture, it is essential to be able to efficiently communicate and exchange data between different disciplines and software platforms. I believe Speckle can be a valuable tool to streamline these processes and improve collaboration.

I am currently exploring Speckleā€™s capabilities and how it can be implemented in practice, with the goal of optimizing Bouwraadhuis processes. Through this forum, I hope to learn more about others experiences with Speckle and gain any tips or insights that may enrich my research.

I look forward to engaging with all of you and discovering more about the possibilities of Speckle!


Hi everyone,

My name is Gabriel (Gabe), and Iā€™m a 3D modeler at a family-owned full-service company based in Zurich, Switzerland. Currently, my main focus is on acquisitions and competitions, which has sparked a keen interest in interoperability and exploring new ways to streamline communication and data management. I spend a lot of time working with ArchiCAD and PowerBI.

In parallel, Iā€™m pursuing a degree in Digital Construction in Architecture at the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts. Iā€™m excited to wrap up my thesis this summer, which delves into CO2 and cost monitoring using graph databases. Itā€™s quite thrilling, even though my programming skills are still a work in progress.

Iā€™m looking forward to engaging with the community and exploring the new possibilities that Speckle opens up for us.

Best wishes,

PS: this was me last summer, hiking in the swiss mountains :sunny: