Community Update: Important Notice for Speckle Users of FE1 and FE2

We love the enthusiastic adoption of our new frontend alongside the existing Your feedback during the alpha stage was invaluable, although some issues were not immediately apparent while the experiences were seggregated.

Recent Discovery: A common issue has emerged for users with accounts on both and This is causing variable functionality, particularly noticed in Grasshopper, due to conflicts in account management.

Action Required:

  • Choose One Account: For now, please select either your or account to actively use in the Manager and Connectors.
  • Remove the Other Account: Temporarily remove the unused account from the desktop connector list.
  • Minimal disruption: If you haven’t yet added an account for the new frontend in Manager - don’t for now.


  • Data Safety: Your data remains secure and is accessible through either frontend.
  • Ongoing Access: This measure only affects the desktop connector account list. You can still use both web server frontends. While superficially operating as separate servers, both use the same data base backend, so which ever account you use, the same data will be accessible

Looking Forward: We are actively working to resolve this issue. Expect updates post-holiday season, as we continue to enhance user experience and functionality.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation. We appreciate your support as we work to make Speckle even better.


As an update, that limits the scope, the affected connectors appear to be limited to Grasshopper, Dynamo and Unity.

If you find this is affecting a Connector you are using, do let us know.