
Dear Speckle @Community,

We do our best to keep up and running without disruptions. However, in order to deliver the latest features and ensure it is secure and performant, we occasionally need to undertake maintenance. We would like to schedule a regular 4 hour maintenance window each month, during which we may be working on the server.

During this maintenance window, the general availability server will continue to be running and we’ll make efforts to keep it up and running as normal. However, there is the unlikely possibility of having short intermittent periods during this window when it would be inaccessible or some functionality may not be available. All services will be fully functional after the maintenance period.

We intend to schedule the first maintenance window on Tuesday 1st November 2022, and subsequent windows on the last Tuesday of each month, between 17:00 and 21:00 GMT.

Best regards,

The Speckle Team :vulcan_salute:


A friendly reminder that the maintenance window will start shortly.

Our servers will continue to be running and we’ll make efforts to keep it running as normal. However, there is the unlikely possibility of having short intermittent periods during this window when it would be inaccessible or some functionality may not be available.


Hi @Community

A reminder to all that will be undergoing maintenance tomorrow, Tuesday 29th November, from 17:00 to 21:00 UTC. We intend for to continue to be accessible during this period though there may be some periods of temporary disruption to normal service.

Best regards,

The Speckle Team


A reminder that today’s maintenance window will soon start.

Best regards,

The Speckle Team

Hi @Community

A reminder to all that will be undergoing maintenance this evening, Tuesday 24th January, from 17:00 to 21:00 UTC. We intend for to continue to be accessible during this period, and you should experience no disruption to service.

Best regards,

The Speckle Team

Hi @Community

A friendly reminder to all that Speckle’s servers will be undergoing maintenance this evening, Tuesday 28th February from 17:00 UTC to 21:00 UTC.
We intend for to continue to be accessible during this period with minimal disruption to service.

Best regards,

The Speckle Team

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Dear @Community

We intend to undertake some maintenance on this weekend. On Saturday morning we’ll undertake maintenance to prepare for new features. We’ll announce more about these features at SpeckleCon in London on 13th November.

This maintenance process may result in a brief disruption to for a few minutes (based on our tests, this should be no more than 10 minutes). This disruption may occur at any point during the maintenance window, which is between 06:00 and 10:00 GMT on Saturday (2024-11-02).

Best regards,

The Speckle Team :cool_spockle:


Dear @Community

The maintenance this morning is taking a little longer than anticipated. We now estimate the maintenance window to extend to 16:00 GMT today (Saturday 2024-11-02).

As previously mentioned, we expect a single outage event lasting no more than 10 minutes duration to occur at some point during this maintenance window.

Apologies for any inconvenience this may cause,

The Speckle Team :cool_spockle:

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