Archicad 27 - Speckle Connector not installed

Greetings, I have the same problem
I have installed the latest version 2.18 for Archicad and I get that error. “Can’t start Speckle UI”

as additional information. I am a Spanish speaker and I have 27 degrees in Spanish.

In my extensions manager I verify that I already have the addon installed.

I hope you can help me.

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resolved: I have manually created a folder with the name “speckle” in the “extensions” directory of archicad 27 (Spanish) and inside I have copied the speckle APX. I restarted the PC and the interface started.


Thanks for sharing how you solved it @jonabatero . We encourage you to share how you are using Speckle. Don’t hesitate to ask for help if you have any other queries.

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Hello. I have the same problem in 26 an 27 INT. The folder solution doesn’t work for me.
Tried dowloading older versions and also newest pre-release, nothing seems to work.
please help

Hey @Ernest_Atanasiu,

Welcome to Speckle!

Can you please try the following steps and see if this works for you:

  1. Click the menu item Options
  2. Open Add-On Manager
  3. Expand the tab panel “Edit List of Available Add-Ons”
  4. Click the “Add…” button
  5. Navigate to
    – On macOS: /Users/<user name>/Library/Application Support/Speckle/Archicad/<archicad version>/Add-Ons/Speckle Connector.bundle
    – On Windows: C:\Users<user name>\AppData\Roaming\Speckle\Archicad<archicad version>\Add-Ons\Speckle Connector.apx
  6. Click “Ok”

Let us know how it goes.