Cant start Speckle UI

I have installed the archicad connector 2.18 but when i try to open it in archicad i get a pop up error message “Cant start Speckle UI”

Please help

Hey @Nuge ,

Welcome to the community! Feel free to Introduce yourself :person_gesturing_ok: to the community if you want to! :grinning:

This is interesting… Can you share a screen recording of the error and your archicad setup (OS, version etc.)?

Hi Mucahit

recording attached

ARCHICAD V27.1.2 - NZE - 4060 (17-01-2024)

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Hi Mucahit

Any solution to this issue??

hey @Nuge ,

We have never encounter this error before. Do you have any other Speckle connector installed? If so, can you post a screenshot of your Manager?

Hi Mucahit,

No other connectors installed as per screen shot below

Are you connecting from a work network? If so, can you try connecting from a personal network? Also can you try if you can reproduce the issue on another laptop? Sometimes, companies have firewall rules in place that prevents our connector from establishing a secure connection.

2 posts were split to a new topic: Archicad 27 - Speckle Connector not installed