3D Models Visuals in Power BI

Not yet, we’re currently re-writing the Speckle 3D Viewer and as soon as it’s ready we’ll switch to using that one in PowerBI too. This will allow for 2 way selection logic, but I don’t have an ETA on that yet.

It is… and it isn’t. Let me explain:

Anything that is “displayed” in a PowerBI custom visual needs to come from data that was fetched via queries, and linked to the visual through available DataRoles in order to enable interactivity between the visual and the rest of the report.

The visual itself cannot “generate new data”, at least not in a way that the rest of the report would be able to pick it up.

We could display the comments on the viewer quite easily, but that won’t have much interactivity in and of itself.

Is there any other solutions you know of that do something similar? It would help us understand and scope this feature better.

This, although doable, I’m not sure how it would play into the PowerBI report ecosystem. Are you hoping for the viewer to:

  1. automatically figure out the sectionplane?
  2. remember the section plane you just created?
  3. have a specific input so you could bind the sectionPlane to some data imported into the report?

As with the previous one, if you know of particular examples of visuals that have implemented something similar, we’d love to hear about them :wink:


Thanks, please keep me updated on this, the potential is big,


Hi @jan.appelgryn ,

Feel free to recommend any other feature you think we should include. We are shaping it according to your recommendations. Thank you😊


2 posts were split to a new topic: PowerBI Visual not loading all objects from Stream

Yes it seems that not all elements are showing. I have made another example with a diferente building (smaller one) this time from Revit 2020 and I have the same results.(missing elements)

Also I would like to say that Querys take a really long time. Every time I make a change it would take aproximately 2.5 minutes to refresh an this is a small building (1634 elements)

In spite of that I really like what you have done. This Will be a very nice tool in the future.

Thanks a lot Speckle

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A post was split to a new topic: New PowerBI version 2.0.0-alpha

very nice!
However the model seems loading very slowly, and after 5 minutes it is still loading. How can it load faster? It is not a big model.

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Hey @newshunhk ,

We are aware of this and hopefully we’ll make it faster in the next release. It’s a limitation on PowerBI side and we are looking for ways to get around this.

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Hi guys, I just wanted to share a dashboard design that I created from Speckle PowerBI Visual. So far it seems very good. But it takes too much time to load elements. Overall it is working and thanks a million for this visual. Great work.


Amazing dashboard!!!
Is the Revit model you used free? Can it be downloaded from somewhere? Thanks!!!


Hi there, thanks @riverlander. The file I used is from Autodesk. They used it in their training.
Here is the website Learning Courses | Autodesk
But I don’t it is free or not for commercial usage.


Thanks so much for sharing @salpbes , we often struggle to see how Speckle is used in the wild :slight_smile:
We’ll definitely take your feedback into consideration when working on more stable versions of the connector :hugs:


Thank you very much! @salpbes


Thank you, guys. I am more than happy to help. Eagerly waiting for the new versions. I think with Power BI integrations there are endless possibilities for Speckle. Great work so far. If you need anything please let me know.


Hi guys any news on speckle Power BI?
Thanks in advance.


Hi all!

Just bumping this thread to let you know we’ve released a new version of the PowerBI visual that comes with some nice improvements and fixes:

Most of these have been added based on your feedback, so thank you very much for taking the time to test and come back to us :raised_hands:t3:

We hope you find these new features useful. Keep in mind that we’re still experimenting on how the visual and the data connector should interact and work, so do keep those requests and ideas coming to help us shape an awesome user experience :slight_smile:


And here’s a sneak peek of what’s already coming on the next release :wink:

  • New ColorBy input used exclusively for applying color filters (Object data is now named Tooltip Data and is used for tooltips :point_down:t3:)
  • New custom tooltips, where even the prop name is customisable. This also allows to apply data to the tooltip that is not stored in Speckle

Connecting any of the 2 (ObjectData or ColorBy inputs) will result in highlighting being active.

2023-02-07 09.40.00
2023-02-07 09.40.44


How do I select the branch I like it to take the model from?
Its randomly taking model from branches that I don’t intend to use

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Alright, you can’t have spaces in your Branch name, just like python, use underscore.