New! ✨ PowerBI Visual 2.0.0-alpha3

Hi there! :warning: FRIENDLY WARNING!

Just pinning this thread to notify everyone that we just released version 2.0.0-alpha3 which addresses a critical bug on the prior releases of our PowerBI Visual that were causing outages in our servers (oopsies!)

For anyone using the Speckle PowerBI Visual, we strongly recommend you update to the latest version of the Visual as soon as possible.

This update also contains a couple of goodies:

  • Improved loading/cancelling behaviour that is more responsive
  • Increased the maximum number of elements that can be loaded to 30.000 (the maximum allowed by PowerBI).

If you continue to use the older versions, you may experience errors when loading, in particular 429 errors (see image bellow👇🏼) as we also added rate limiting on our server deployments to prevent these outages from happening in the future.

You can grab the latest version from our GitHub repo:


Hi Alan,

How are you?
In speckle 2.10, Is there any updates on powerBI conector speed and model click filtering?


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Hey @gjordanp, the 2.10 release didn’t include any significant changes for PowerBI. However, @AlanRynne has been working some near miracles on PowerBI since then. It is getting some real love and a spring-clean refactor.

Possibly, as a pre-Christmas gift to us all, an upcoming release will include a significant speed bump to the data connector.

Model click filtering is certainly registered on the to-do list!!


Amazing!! Can’t wait!


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