Weekly Changelog: Noticed Anything Different? Our Web App Just Got a Makeover!

Happy Friday @Community, it’s the most beautiful #Changelog yet: the Speckle web app got a new look!

Here’s what you’ll notice:

:sparkles: A cleaner, more concise UI with smaller text makes navigating even the busiest screens easier.

:sparkles: A new colour palette! We’ve transitioned from our brand blue to a more UI-friendly range of colours, enhancing the app’s aesthetics and readability.

:sparkles: More consistent font styles and capitalisation across the board.

:sparkles: Refactored Buttons and Inputs.

:sparkles: Project cards now provide you with more insight directly from the dashboard.

Explore the new and improved web app design: https://app.speckle.systems/

But don’t be surprised if you see a lot of UI updates coming your way! We’re gearing up for a major product upgrade, so expect to see us stepping up our game in every aspect. Stay tuned for exciting changes ahead!
What’s the major upgrade? Read more: Introducing Workspaces

As always, we’d love to hear your thoughts! Please leave any feedback in the comments. We value your input and look forward to your suggestions on how we can continue to improve.

Thank you for being a part of the Speckle community!