Screengrabs of comments visible on modelspace

show ‘screengrabs’ on comments when in the 3d model.
currently i can see the screengrab is added to the comment, however when I view the comment in the model, there is no way of accessing this image. is this possible to add? if it is already added, can you show me how? :slight_smile:


This is something we have in the backlog - there are few items around comments and saved views that may be tackled together


like saving the contextURL on it so when you create a comment on a federated model it opens up the full federated view instead of just the item the comment is ‘linked’ to? :innocent:

That should already be the case - it seems it may be broken - ill check if that’s logged


We have logged this for action.


Super! thanks for the swift reply (as always) :raised_hands:

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