Speckle Viewer and Comments

Hello guys,

we are currently using comments with federated models.

Description of the workflow:

  • we have the structural model from Revit active and add the architectural model from Archicad to compare
  • we add comments in the structural model where there is misalignment

Assumed behavior: the comments are linked to the structural model
Actual behavior: the comments show up in both models, which reduces the overview drastically.

Would be good if you could take a look at it, as the comments should only show up, where they are made. It is otherwise quite hard to keep users motivated.

Thanks and all the best,

CC: @ltascheva

Are these comments made with only the Structural model active?

Structure was opened and architecture added

This is probably a legit bug report. To help make sure we’re on the right page, a bit of clarifications:

  1. when a comment is made in a federated view, we expect it to show up in the specific resources currently being federated/overlaid in the viewer => note this invalidates Assumed behavior: the comments are linked to the structural model.

  2. when a comment is made in a specific model ONLY, we expect it to show up in a federated view containing that model

On (1), we are failing and I will raise an issue with the web team.

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@AlexHofbeck i’ve missed your reply while writing mine due to crappy internet :confused:

I’ll reformulate the question: do you expect comments made in a federated view to belong to only one of the models in that view?

This will be rather difficult for us to enable, as we assumed a comment in an federated view will be relevant in that specific context, e.g. structure misaligns with architecture > to understand that misalignment you need both models.

In general it makes sense what you wrote. For us maybe only in our heads we thought it would be as I wrote … maybe with the hopes that it sorts the communication (something which does not exist yet in Speckle).

Treating the referenced model only as an attached back layer but keeping discussion in the active model. In our case we wanted to keep internal discussion separated from the discussion with the architects.

Let’s put this post in the realm of feature-wishes related to issue management and communication channels with groups :slight_smile:

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