New Connector Request: FreeCAD

Hi there,
I was wondering if FreeCAD connector is somewhere on the road map for Speckle?
I’ve seen the poll on the connectors had FreeCAD listed (even voted for it :slight_smile: ), just asking if it’s somewhere on the radar. Would be good to have a another Open Software connector!


It’s definitely on our radar, although not on our short-term roadmap yet as we’re already working on a bunch of new features and connectors.
Would love to see it being developed as a community contribution though :grin:!

Thanks Mateo for the heads up! unfortunately I’m not so tech savvy to get a take on developing a connector, so likely will be looking for some workarounds until the day arrives :slight_smile:

I would also welcome a FreeCAD Connector :slight_smile:


Yes, please add a FreeCAD connector. If anyone knows about a connector program connecting between FreeCAD and Blender please also post it here. Thanks! :slight_smile:

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FreeCAD are doing a great job.
But I wished they would get the same attention and help as Blender does :slight_smile:

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We’d love to have a FreeCAD connector! :sparkling_heart:
Currently, our team doesn’t have the capacity to pick up new connectors, so we’d love to see it coming as a community contribution, or it could even be on official FreeCAD integration :slight_smile:

Anyone here has contacts with their dev team, or is up to the task?

Hello, I didn’t find any info if there’s support for FreeCAD. Actually I’m using Speckle with Rhino and Grasshopper, and I will love to share the geometries to and from FreeCAD.

Hey @Ettore_Lorenzi welcome to the community. - feel free to Introduce yourself :person_gesturing_ok:.

Freecad occasionally pops up as a request, and ive merged yours with a previous one.

Despite doing quite well in our polling a while ago - our hope that the many open source aec devs we hear working with Freecad could corral to work on a connector for the community hasn’t materialised.

Really happy to hear your successful with rhino + gh - Speckle team is concentrating hard on expanding and polishing our existing connectors so thanks for your bump on this perhaps it could kick start things in the community interest.

Support for FeeCAD Integration.

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