Issue with Revit 2025 - Will not load!

I don’t know where to report issues, but the connector 2.19.3 doesn’t run with my Revit 2025. Seems to work fine with 2024 and below.
I get the following error:

Any help is appreciated.


Welcome @cadtot , you are in the right place.

Could you share what is within the show Details portion of that dialog? It’s certainly unexpected as Revit 2025 is known to be supported.

Hi Jonathon.
Expanded error details as attached.

Cheers Kerry

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This is very helpful @cadtot - we’ll look into it and get back to you.

We have been taking steps to work around the “dllhell” and we’re clearly not quite there yet

No Problem. What ever I can do to help.

Cheers Kerry

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I disabled the Addins loading in the system, and the AIT.addin seems to cause the Speckle stop

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?> Autodesk Interoperability Tools C:\Program Files (x86)\Autodesk\AIT\2025\AIT.Common.App.dll 10047f62-fe83-4f35-93ca-43b48715daff ADSK.AIT.Common.App.AITApp ADSK Autodesk, Inc.,

Speckle works with this file removed.

Cheers Kerry

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Thanks @cadtot super helpful.

Hi. Had the same error with 2024. In my case i had to disable “0_Enscape.addin”.

(Same addin is causing trouble with Rhino.Inside)

Hi Steinar
I am still having the issue—Jonathon has not clarified it further, but it seems my issue is with the AIT add-on, as above.
Speckle runs fine on my system in Revit 2024 with Enscape and Rhino inside installed.

We have a bunch of DLLHell issues that get reported here. It is not only something we have to deal with but also Autodesk themselves—often Dynamo gets a patch released that breaks Interoperability Tools, or Forma gets updated and breaks Generative design.

It’s an acknowledged problem with us all playing within the same sandbox. There is also a compounded problem to fix, as what works on one machine is broken on another because the exact Revit release is marginally different.

Sometimes, as is the case with reports of the OLE.db issues recently reported with 2025.2, we arent even using this dependency, but it may be referencing something we do.

Nevertheless, we can continue to run after each fire with a bucket of water as it pops up. We value all your reports and act whenever we can.

Hey there!

After updating to Revit 25.2, Speckle encounters an error. Has anyone else experienced this issue? (screenshot attached)

Hi Team

After updating Revit 2025 to the latest version 2025.2 , I got an error for speckle plugin while loading , please refer below images.

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That’s a new one! Thanks for the report @RaviDCPL .

I will cross check with the team and get back to you asap — it’s an unusual report

If you could confirm which version of the Speckle connector you have installed.

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Hi @RaviDCPL ,

Speckle doesn’t use System.Data.OleDb normally. This could be a conflict with another plugin or set of plugins. Please confirm what version of Speckle you have installed and any others.

Also, if you could find the Journal file associated with the latest attempt of loading. This is usually located: C:\Users\{you}\AppData\Local\Autodesk\Revit\Autodesk Revit 2025\Journals\ and order by time to get the latest, after you have closed Revit.

The second box is likely because we’re trying to launch your local browser to go to but failed to do so for some reason. Ignore this and it will be better handled in an upcoming release.


Hi @adamhathcock

I have installed Revit connector 2.20.0 wip5 , It is the latest version and installed today morning.
Please find the attached required Journals
journal.0005.txt (2.1 MB)
journal.0005.worker1.log (32.5 KB)

Best regards

Hi @Kumarravi007

Thanks for this however it looks like the journals are very old. This one is dated 24-May-2024

Do you have anything from today or yesterday? Revit should produce one.


Hi @adamhathcock

Sorry my mistake

Please find the latest Journals
journal.0014.txt (310.0 KB)
journal.0014.worker1.log (33.0 KB)

@Kumarravi007 / @RaviDCPL

The second error screen you shared is something we have just implemented a fix for which will get merged into the next WIP release or 2.20 RC

But that isn’t the root cause. We don’t see any errors related to resolving OleDb (we don’t use it), and the journal files also suggest Speckle is loading correctly (despite the error).

So it’s a concern of sorts…

If you can try for now with an earlier stable release of the Connector and wait for the new release to see if it could go away.

Recommend uninstalling connector 2.20-wip5 and then installing 2.19.3

Hi @jonathon

After installing Revit connector version 2.19.3 , I still get the same issue in Revit 2025.2

I also check for Revit 2024.2 and it is working

Hi @jonathon @adamhathcock

Shall I get an update on it , I also tested after installing latested version 2.20.0-wip6 and getting same error as I had shared above.