I’m pretty new to Speckle and was trying to figure out how to send data from SKetchup to Speckle for then trying to load it into Revit.
I’ve followed the tutorial ( Getting Started with Speckle for SketchUp (Alpha) )
Installed every bits that were missing. But stil I can’t manage to see any stream in my Speckle connector inside Sketchup. I’ve created a stream on my account, but I don’t see it in Sketchup
I kinda tried everything and I’m out of ideas…
It all works fine on Revit… So I don’t know what I’ve done wrong.
If anyone could help me or have any idea on what could be the cause of the issue, I’m all ears !
Thanks in advance
Hi @gokermu,
No only this session is open.
I tried with this file, that I made using Sketchup 2021. Trying with a different one also doesn’t make a difference. I tried rebooting my PC also to see if it was coming from there.
Do I need Sketchup 2022 ?
I’ve followed the tutorial for 2021. Do I need to do it again ? and copy the repo from Git to the path you indicated ?
I tried also in Sketchup 2022, I still have the same windows with no stream.
It it said that there is no signature, maybe because Trimble didn’t approve your application ?
I had the no restrictions for the extensions already checked, so it’s not coming from there…
In the meantime I’ve tried installing it on another computer.
Without doing any part of the tutorial ( Getting Started with Speckle for SketchUp (Alpha) )
And I still have the same problem as I have here.
I’ve tried that also, but it’s not that I don’t see the tools, it’s that I don’t see any stream in my feed. It’s like I have none (which I have as soon as I go to my internet Speckle)
got it, because the connector is essentially a web view, could you right click on the connector window and see if there are any console errors showing int he devtools window?