Editing Models and View


I wanted to ask about some functionalities of the Speckle viewer, namely two different ones.

First, is it at all possible to edit a model within the Speckle viewer? As in, if I send a model from something like Revit for example, can that model be edited in Speckle without first being received in another software? I tried searching about that but only found older topics related.

My second question is about the view. Is there any way to change how the model is presented in Speckle? For example, can I change the block view into a wired view similar to what is in Revit?

Are the above possible within the current Speckle web app as it is?

Thank you for your support.

Hey @HadiAram,

on point one, yes it is possible to edit values in models outside of software programmatically and we’ve seen several showcased examples around Revit alone, we recently shared the fabulous work by @samberger :

One of the great entries from the Arup team from the first hackathon was similarly demonstrating this:


On your second point, not right now. However viewer extensions and customisation is always under review and a hidden line or edges only view is frequently requested, there is a post you can add your vote and voice to here:


An example of a feature request that graduated from a forum post here is in-viewer measurement


Thank you for the resources. I will be sure to add my input to the provided links.

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