First of all, great job on the part of Speckle getting Speckle into the wild. I’m just starting Speckle workflow development and it’s an impressive concept that delivers on the project’s underlying concept of versioned geometry transfer.
Round trip workflow currently under development:
Revit - Speckle - Blender - Topologic - gbXML - Analysis - Dynamo: analysis results returned to Revit.
The general workflow concept is functional. The problem the development team has encountered is in setting custom properties on Blender objects that reflect Speckle properties.
Please see the attached image for an example of a Speckle property we would like to transfer to a custom property on Blender objects. ‘Space 2’, the ‘type’ data, would allow us to incorporate a ‘key’ value into gbXML output to facilitate analysis and results transfer by Dynamo back to Revit. Without this kind of definitive ‘key’ value the detailed workflow concept is broken in that the connection to the reference Revit element is lost.
Generally speaking, are custom properties on Blender objects supported at the moment? If so, how do we implement this capability?
Any direction the community might be able to provide would be appreciated.
Best wishes,
Jake Staub