4D BIM Model Web Viewer

I’m Looking for 4D BIM Web Viewer - For Simulation

Hi @Ashwin welcome to our community!

Our viewer does not yet support 4D models, but it might well do so one day. Could you tell us a bit more about your use case? Where do you want to send the models from? I guess maybe Navis?
And how do you see people using it? Would you like to embed the viewer in a custom tool or so maybe?

Hi Mr. @teocomi
Thanks for your reply.

Web based 4D Models viewer with Gantt chart siders. Custom Embed viewer.
And Data exchange Eg. Synchro to Navis / Naivis to Syncho & other softwares. and also Gamification Engine like Ureal, Unity -direct data transfer from 4d Softwares.


Hey @Ashwin. I see you are a Synchro-Meister :man_superhero:t4:

While Speckle isn’t targeting the 4D side of things offered by Synchro or to a less extent Navisworks right now, if you to pick any one of those as a most-wanted feature which would you prioritise?

As Navis connector becomes more stable we want to learn what Workflows Speckle might enable from that starting point. Are you already using/trying it?

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Hi, Mr. @jonathon ,

Thanks for your reply.

Yeah, I’m using now Navis Connector in my system. its allow to send the model in Speckle 3D Platform. Also Looking forward in future Received option also from other formats in AEC Software’s and Web 3D Viewer show embed with Timeline sliders, Thank you.

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We don’t have an immediate timeline or plan for receiving just yet because so many data types are already supported by Navisworks. We haven’t heard many users asking for it other than for “that would be cool” reasons.

We are considering syncing the commenting between Speckle and Navisworks but are currently focussing on the core fidelity and stability.

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Off topic, this could be very handy across multiple use cases if and when you could get it going!