4D and 5D Simulation for construction phases

I am absolutely thrilled to share a major accomplishment in my field – the successful implementation of:
4D and 5D Simulation for construction phases.
utilizing free software and platforms such as Speckle , #powerbi, and #GoogleSheets. This groundbreaking solution provides a simple yet highly effective way to take control of your construction projects by easily checking a cell on Google Sheets and visualizing the real-time status of your ongoing projects.
I am genuinely eager to share my knowledge and insights with all of you. In light of this exciting development, I would be delighted to provide a comprehensive article or a concise tutorial that outlines the step-by-step process of creating something similar. By watching the video and expressing your interest, you will have access to this invaluable resource.

I am currently in the process of writing an article on LinkedIn where I will be sharing all the details, starting from the initial idea to the step-by-step guide on how to access the video I recently shared. This comprehensive article aims to provide you with a complete understanding of the process. I can’t wait to share it with all of you! Stay tuned for the updates!


Hello @Mohamed_Manseur thank you for sharing this with us! I’m happy to highlight your achievement as part of our Featured Developer posts if you’re open to it. Let me know and we can start collaborating together :slight_smile:


Thats great to hear @Mohamed_Manseur, and thanks for the feedback you have given the PowerBI engineer team with ideas and bug reports. Any further assistance you need, let us know.

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Hi @sendaspeckle Thank you so much. of course I would be honored. I am preparing an article step by step on how to do this and i will share it here too when i finish it :+1:


thank you @jonathon You have been verry helpful, you and all the team :+1:

Looking forward to reading it :slight_smile: thank you!

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Here comes the article 4D and 5D Simulation for construction phases

Hope it will be interesting for you :blush::+1:


That looks awesome @Mohamed_Manseur ! Great job.

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Thank you @gokermu you helped me a lot with the speckle power bi connector and viewer, and now it’s perfect :+1:


@Mohamed_Manseur thank you for sharing this with us! I have reposted it on LinkedIn. It would be great to shed more light on this. We’re happy to showcase your work as part of a blog post or during one of our Community StandUps (like here). Let me know if you’d like to do any (or both :slight_smile:).


hi @sendaspeckle thank you, yes of course i would be honored :slightly_smiling_face: :+1: