3D Viewer Visual doesn't color by parameter

@gokermu I have also a sujestion to add a tutorial for creating a Template of Power Bi with spekcle vewer and its URL, this way we can change the URL every time we upload a new commit and see the changes, do a compassion or anayse data changes …etc

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Thanks for the suggestion @Mohamed_Manseur. We’ll do it.

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Yep, our PowerBI connector is pretty slow atm. Looking for ways to increase its speed. Its our top priority


Its working on other Categories than Rooms. so the only problem in the category of rooms :+1:

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@gokermu @AlanRynne It worked even for the rooms, Thank you :+1:


Great to see you figured it out.

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@AlanRynne @gokermu Hi, I want to share with you the solution of coloring elements on the power Bi Viewer that i just understood how it works.
So yes we have to change the Name Of Object Data as you sujested but it has to use the logic of speckle path to the parametre.
For example If you have a Room Parameter that you want to use for coloring rooms you have to change the name to the exact path to the parameter value :

So for this example i used a shared parameter that speckle named (dc122b22-8b9f-45c6-ba42-696c3066b8bb) and to get it i used (parameters.the name.value) and it works for all type of parameters :+1:


Great you have a solution.

An alternative to the full parameter path is to prepare the speckle stream data with with Power Query prior to visualisation.


From there it may be a case of expanding the columns listed as containing records and selecting which values to show and hide. Quite a lot of the Speckle object info can be discarded from a data analytics point of view - its data that makes Speckle tick in all the connectors, not for us humans.

Short and boring video just showing that.


@jonathon thanks yes this is even better, and for the real name on revit maybe we can add the Parameters.The Parameter.name this way we can knew the real name of the parameter if we want to use it for selection, and i tried another way for the shared parameters or parameters that changes on speckle i just used an excel exported from Revit with Those parameters and linked them using The elementid :+1:
But of course for the viewer it has to be the name on Speckle :+1:

The GUID for shared parameters changing is because within Revit this avoids conflicts caused by parameters having the same name in different contexts. Repeated commits from the same model will maintain the same GUID, but different models may have the same named Parameter using a different GUID.

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@jonathon Yes I understand , I am not questioning this
I just want to share with others, maybe some time it will help other people that’s all.

The speckle connectors are already genius and personally it helped me a lot :blush::+1: so thank you again :+1:


6 posts were split to a new topic: How to Colour elements by property in PowerBI