When I place the link to obtain data the following message appears

When I place the link to obtain data the following message appears

Unable to establish connection.

Details “You do not have access to this resource.”

What to do to resolve?

This is happening with the new files I’m sending, the old ones are still normal.

Thank you for seeking help! Our friendly community is here to assist you. :pray:

To assist you better, please consider providing:

  • Objective: What are you trying to achieve, e.g. Receive Blender data in Excel, Use REST to query comments, …

  • Issue: If you suspect a bug, describe what you expect to happen. Explain what is happening or failing to happen. If you instead need a guiding hand, where are you stuck?

  • Example: Help us reproduce the issue by attaching sample files, giving a step-by-step reproduction guide and screenshots/videos if available

  • Speckle link: What better way to share data than using Speckle?

  • Logs: If the issue regards our desktop connectors, please share the relevant logs you find under: %appdata%/Speckle/Logs

Is the project stream set as “link shared”?

It worked, thank you very much. A hug partner.

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