Weekly Changelog: A smoother Viewer experience

Happy Friday @Community !

Another week, more product updates. Read along to learn about all the things we’ve improved across the Viewer and Automate.

Smoother Viewer experience

  • Objects are now highlighted if you hover them in the Model, Scene Explorer and Selection Info panels (see below). This makes it a lot easier to inspect a model and select the exact objects you’re looking for.
  • Hidden objects can now be selected from the Scene Explorer. These used to be disabled.
  • Navigating the menus around the Viewer feels a little more snappy because we’ve removed a lot of 150ms hover transitions around the interface. A very minor detail – but now you now.
  • Press ESC key to cancel a measure.
  • Comments from the old Speckle web app can now be opened in the new app if you put app.speckle.systems in front of the route instead of speckly.xyz.
  • Views sent from a connector now correctly display in the Views tool with their name instead of their ID.
  • Fixed an issue that sometimes caused models to appear twice in the Models panel.
  • Fixed an issue that sometimes caused objects to not color correctly when using the coloring tool in the Filters panel.

Inspecting a model is now easier because objects are highlighted on hover

Fully integrated Automate

Three weeks ago we announced that Automate had been integrated into the main web app instead of being a separate web app. Since then we’ve focused on a couple of last important pieces so that we can now consider Automate fully integrated.

  • You can create new functions (pretty important piece)
  • Function developers can test functions locally by creating a “test automation”
  • Creating a new automation is a more pleasant and bug free user experience
  • And many other small improvements…

(Reminder: Automate is live as a beta on our testing environment latest.speckle.systems. Give it a go and let us know in the forum if you need help or have feedback!)

Other improvements and fixes

  • Fixed an issue where attempting to log in through SSO too early in the app’s lifecycle caused a redirect to a broken URL.
  • Fixed an issue that caused preview images to not be generated when pushing new model versions.
  • Fixed an issue where the model count on the project page was off by 1.