Transform Revit to Tekla

Hi Speckle community, I am struggling with transforming model from Revit to Tekla.

Receiving model in Tekla does not work whereas transforming Tekla to Revit is fine. I cannot see any 3D model in Tekla without the announcement shows “Received completed”. Please help to find out what is happening in this workflow because I am not major on Tekla.

Thank you.

The Tekla connectors support pages clarify that conversions on receive are limited to structural elements - this can mean those defined as such in the objects schema.

If you share a project URL of the model you’ve published to, we can take a look if anything that should be supported is not working.

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Thanks for your reply. I send you the project URL of the model that I’ve published from Revit. The Tekla version that I am using is 2021.

As I checked the doc, I realized the wall is not supported but column and beam. Please check the the following project and ignore the first one I sent you.