Tekla Connector does not load (Tekla Carbon License!)

Hello guys,

My colleague Ralph has an issue with not being able to open the Speckle Connector inside of Tekla.
The colleague uses 2.20.6 connectors and the Tekla 2023 with the Carbon license (reduced functionality). In the past I used the Diamond license.

The other tools from Dlubal and Idea Static load, so I believe it is not a license issue.

Not much you guys can work on … if the limitations above are a show stopper, then we will stop trying. If the issue is deeper than that, might be good to have a call with him.

Thanks and best,

Hi @AlexHofbeck,

Tekla Connector 2.20.6 works fine for me in Tekla 2023. It could be a Carbon license blocker.

What is the installation path? C:\TeklaStructures or C:\Program Files\Tekla Structures?

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It is this one … C:\Program Files\Tekla Structures

Could you please try to run the installer in admin mode? If it’s not solving the issue, it’s most probably about license type.

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