System.InvalidCastException - Internal API failure: Native string should be UTF8 but isn't

Hello Speckle community!

I’m having a problem trying to send an NWD model with approximately 13,000 objects.

The error returned by the connector is “System.InvalidCastException - Internal API failure: Native string should be UTF8 but isn’t”.

I would like to know if we have any solution for this problem? Or what could be causing it?


The connector version is 2.18.4 ^^

Hi Renata, welcome to our community. Feel free to Introduce yourself :person_gesturing_ok: if you’d like!

This seems to be a bug on our end, and for us to resolve it we need to be able to reproduce it.

I’ll send you a Google Drive link with a folder where you can upload your model for us to test with, happy to sign an NDA too if needed.

In the meantime, you could try unselecting a few objects and seeing if that works, I think it might be failing to convert some specific ones.

@RENATA_PEDROSO I shared a secure Dropbox for you to share a file with us. We can definitely look into this, even if you haven’t had time to narrow down the errant elements.

Could you also let me know which system language you are running Navisworks and Speckle under?