Syncing 2 models in Rhino - Crash vs Speckle vs Autodesk Data Exchanges

I’m collaborating on a large project using Revit 2024 and Autodesk Construction Cloud. Our firm is co-designing the project with another firm. Most of the work is done in Revit but we’re both using Rhino.Inside to sketch test fits, massing models and quickly iterate without being bogged down by Revit. We’re wondering if there’s a more efficient way to track Rhino changes that don’t need to be incorporated into our Revit model. We don’t need to live-sync both Rhino Files, and we don’t necessarily need two different users working on the same file but it would be great to have a chance to track changes or push changes from one file to the other.

Online resources suggest that Speckle or a new plugin called Crash could help. There’s also a possibility of using Autodesks’s Data Exchanges, but its functionality between two rhino models is a little unclear to me.

Crash Cloud for reference:
Crash (Multi-User Rhino) 1.4.2-beta has been released! - Plug Ins / Multi-User - McNeel Forum

Does anyone have experience with some form of syncing two Rhino models or viewing a single Rhino file simultaneously? Any insights would be appreciated. If Speckle does have tools for this could you please point me to any videos, tutorials, blog posts or any content discussing a similar issue?

Thank you!

Speckle offers efficient solutions for tracking and syncing changes between Rhino models. Here’s how it works:

  1. Single-User Perspective: The Speckle connector keeps track of the last received and last sent objects, ensuring smooth updates without redundancy. This is ideal for single-player workflows where you can easily manage changes.
  2. Multi-User Collaboration: In a multi-user environment, multiple receives from the same changing source will efficiently update the existing data, provided it hasn’t been modified locally. If local modifications exist, upstream changes are received as new information, ensuring all updates are accounted for.
  3. Data Management: All data sent and received via Speckle is stored on the server. This enables:
  • Version Control: Rolling back to earlier versions is possible.
  • Change Tracking: You can view what has changed between versions on the web and within your application.
  • Collaboration Tools: The web platform allows commenting and annotations, facilitating better communication among team members.

I’m not entirely clear on where the relationship with Revit lies in your query. If your focus is purely on keeping Rhino models in sync, Speckle handles this well. However, if you need to keep a Revit proxy of the evolving Rhino design synced, Rhino.Inside Revit and Speckle can work together effectively to achieve this, or Speckle alone.

Thanks for the reply Jonathon,

Right not we’re more concerned with working collaboratively with the second firm in Rhino. Whether that’s two users working in the same Rhino File or live linking two Rhino files, both options would be a huge step forward for us.

Could you share any videos on how this is achieved or a demo video. I am not very familiar with Speckle but it sounds amazing