SSO/EntraID Update of existing Account, when name/mail address was changed

Hello guys,

a colleague of ours married and changed his last name. The regular procedure is, that the HR department changes the Last Name and Mail Address in EntraID (formerly known as Azure AD) so that every system is synchronous with the new name. After the colleague logged in with his new name, the Speckle Server created interestingly a new account for the new mail address but additionally updated the old account with the family name (but not the mail address). Not sure how this happened.

I solved it in my case, by deleting the new account and modifying the old account’s mail address in the database with PGadmin. Afterwards, the colleague needed to delete the history (just in case) and had to reconnect the Speckle Manager (also just in case - as I did not know better). In the end he had access to all existing projects back.

It would be good if there is a procedure, which updates the existing account. It is a rare case but still relevant for the administration to prevent minor headaches.


It’s a well-made point and is not to be considered rare at all. I’ll raise this - no timeline to resolution yet,

Hello guys,

As we had a few married Speckle users again in our firm since my last post above :wink: , I’m taking the occasion.

The colleague who got married recently logged into Speckle and has now a new account with her new last name. Her user account in EntraID was modified for the last name. This led Speckle to believe that it must be a new user. We now have to either modify the database and delete her newest account or we change the project ownership to her new account (via modifying the database).

Neccessary would be
A) Let the user allow to login with the old name via SSO and let them change the name manually in your database via Edit Profile
B) Speckle syncs the user data from EntraID with every login
C) An Admin Function to change the data without going into the database

As you are further building on workspaces and sso recently, it would be good to take a look at this … might also be that it is already changed or on your todo list :slight_smile:
