We are currently trying to test a model in Speckle and my colleague is viewing the material IDs through the console logs of the backend code in the api of Speckle xyz but the IDs of the elements given do not appear in any of the objects in the main viewer.
I have looked through different IDs, different names, and tried going to the legacy web app but could not find any ID that matched. The IDs in the console log we have used are called the elementId, speckleMaterialId, and we have also tried checking the materialCategory. How can we find an equivalence between the two?
Can you share a screenshot of your Console log response / JSON tree and highlight the IDs that you are looking for?
For the Auth Context 500 Error, can you debug your code and pin-point the line that throws the error? Maybe the read/write permissions are not correct. We can assist you more if you share the section of the code that throws the error.
d74123113cb5984d59f564ae6e29a7ec Object Id this one is in the error log itself
image.png is another speckle material ID
03d02728e7af71a080ada939e9facde2 speckle ID
2a6b166300b60984590ef775db3eb914 element ID
I have also attached the error log in case that is needed. Thank you for your support.
Your Postman query is failing because the getobjects API is expecting a POST event as with your code sample.
Again, it expects a list of objectIds, as with your code reference.
To the specific question of why the rest of you code is not delivering what you expect, I don’t see where materialRefIds is being defined.
Nevertheless looking at your log, the object list appears to be correctly stringified array of the object you are seeking and running that raw query as a single object succeeds and I can replicate that passing as a payload to getobjects fails with a 404.
I will at this point hand over to the server team to investigate. Thanks for your patience.
I have removed your logs as it included your auth token.