Speckle Public Roadmap [outdated]

Hey Specklers! :man_dancing::dancer:

We’re hard at work getting the V2 beta ready :hammer_and_wrench: :blue_square:
(Psst! Have you seen our recent Changelog by @izzylys ?)

Looking forward, we also want you to have an equally good idea of where Speckle is headed. So to do this, we’ve decided to publish our first ever Roadmap! :world_map:

Speckle Public Roadmap :motorway:


We’ll make sure to keep this updated in line with our recent sprints, so expect new roadmaps to be published every 2-4 weeks.

As ever, if you have any comments, questions or ideas feel free to post them below! :raised_hands:


Hello @jonathon and others!

Is there still a Public Speckle Roadmap somewhere?
The link to the Notion page doesn’t work anymore, nor does the link in the documentation (see: Writing Your Own Connector | Speckle Docs)

Thanks for pointing out dead links - the truth is that the Roadmap became quite stale and out of date.

We have moved instead to a pattern of Release version RCs and comprehensive change reports for already implemented features and fixes.

In addition, we invite the community to join the Insiders group, where we have shifted to sharing WIP and asking for reactions, feedback and ideas. Some of these are near term and some long term.

The surface area of Speckle development means we prioritise where the community lets us know what workflows they want to solve rather than a shopping list of feature requests. That said, we are also happy to be responsive to feedback left here in the community. Have a specific request, pop it into Features & Ideas From where community can vote to express interest,

You can also straight up ask us a direct question, and we’ll be as open as possible to 3 possible states: “wip”, “scoping the solution for an upcoming release”, and “we’ve heard you, seems legit.”