Speckle Local Development Emails not received from server

I have add those lines in the YML file, but same issue dont receive email
If somoene can help I can not use the server because of the last update.

      DEBUG: "fileimport-service:*"
      PG_CONNECTION_STRING: "postgres://speckle:speckle@postgres/speckle"
      WAIT_HOSTS: postgres:5432

      S3_ENDPOINT: "http://minio:9000"
      S3_ACCESS_KEY: "minioadmin"
      S3_SECRET_KEY: "minioadmin"
      S3_BUCKET: "speckle-server"

      EMAIL: "true"
      EMAIL_HOST: "XXXXX.outlook.com"
      EMAIL_PORT: "587"
      EMAIL_FROM: "XXX@XXX.ca"

      SPECKLE_SERVER_URL: "http://speckle-server:3000"

    name: speckle-server


Help welcome thank you

Hey, @Pascal, I recently reached out on Linkedin to offer you information on Speckle Academia.

I’ll wait for some of the server squirrels to look at your issue, though we tend not to get too deep into troubleshooting self-hosted setups as there can be myriad reasons for “things not working” outside of our control.

In the meantime, supposing you seek to organise KPU data without insisting on self-managing it in that case, you can set up a Workspace on the app.speckle.systems, and we can then apply a total discount for a course of study/department/single workshop/institution, whatever is required.

Hi @Pascal

What version of Speckle Server are you running?

If you open Docker desktop and navigate to the speckle server container, does it show any error logs?

Kind regards,


Hi Iain

We are running speckle-server 2.23.8
Maybe this log issue

2025-02-24 10:34:31 speckle-server-1 | {“@l”:“Information”,“phase”:“startup”,“region”:“main”,“sql”:“select * from "server_config" limit $1”,“sqlMethod”:“select”,“sqlQueryId”:“Bn1wCkUz364BYnJziHLAg”,“sqlQueryDurationMs”:1,“sqlNumberBindings”:1,“trace”:“at collectLongTrace (/speckle-server/packages/shared/dist/commonjs/core/helpers/error.js:31:20)\n at Function. (/speckle-server/packages/server/dist/logging/knexMonitoring.js:182:67)\n at Function.emit (node:events:517:28)\n at Client_PG. (/speckle-server/node_modules/knex/lib/knex-builder/make-knex.js:307:10)\n at Client_PG.emit (node:events:517:28)\n at /speckle-server/node_modules/knex/lib/execution/runner.js:165:21\n at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)\n at async Runner.ensureConnection (/speckle-server/node_modules/knex/lib/execution/runner.js:318:14)\n at async Runner.run (/speckle-server/node_modules/knex/lib/execution/runner.js:30:19)\n at async /speckle-server/packages/server/dist/modules/core/repositories/server.js:38:13\n at async Object.serverInfo (/speckle-server/packages/server/dist/modules/core/graph/resolvers/server.js:22:32)”,“@t”:“2025-02-24T18:34:31.001Z”,“@mt”:“DB query successfully completed after {sqlQueryDurationMs} ms”}

Thank you for your quick response

You seem to be missing CANONICAL_URL and FRONTEND_ORIGIN properties from your Environment variables. We recently made FRONTEND_ORIGIN a required variable.

An error message would include the term "@l":"Error". The provided message indicates that it was successful.


We have both available on our environment. Do you want to look at the YML file, I can share it with you on mp.

The logs produced by the server should indicate whether any environment variables are missing, or any other root cause of the issue.
Are you able to find any error logs?


We didnt find any error