Speckle in Grasshopper/Rhino 8

I know the installer doesn’t support Grasshopper and Rhino 8 yet, but is there a way to plug them into the new release currently. The Special Folder location for Grasshopper doesn’t have them. Where doe they get installed to currently?


@MichaelRensing I’m afraid the current release will not work there, but we’re developing a version of the connector that will support Rhino/GH8, you should expect a beta coming out soon!

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@MichaelRensing there is a nuanced alternative answer to this.

Our current plugin, which is compatible with Rhino 7, JUST became loadable in Rhino 8.3. That specific minor release removed a dependency blocker.

HOWEVER. It will not install automatically.

For Rhino

  1. You need to set Rhino 8’s runtime to framework

  2. Then you need to manually load the Speckle plugin in the Plugins Pane

For Grasshopper

  1. The above steps should load SpeckleGrasshopper


McNeel has advised that this is not the preferred solution, and I have experienced Rhino not working tremendously well (performance). I suspect that it will block other plugins expecting to run in the new native NETCore mode.

If, however, you are desperate - this is the current solution. We are just a short while away from rolling out the “official” Rhino 8 compatible release for Speckle. Perhaps it can wait…? :wink:


Thank you for this work around.

I have some issues though.
I first loaded the connector without changing to .net framework on rhino. On the first time install of rhino 8.4 I got a warning message saying it shoud be .net framework. So I changed it and restarted rhino, and I didn’t get the warning. The plug in is still installed but sadly it’s not listed in the plug-in manager as you say and I don’t know how to install it manually.

Please help, thank you!

I simply chose the Install Manually button in Plugin manager and navigated to the install location for the plugin which rhino 7 connector installs to.

Screenshot 2024-02-15 132536

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great!! it worked, thank you for your help!

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Hey @MichaelRensing @DavorPantoja

Rhino 8 connector is available (as early release). This doesn’t require DotNetRuntime changes and works ootb. Take a look :eyes::