Speckle design system or guidelines for UX/UI teams

Hi Community,

We’re working on a project that uses the Speckle and we’re loving it so far.

To make our development process smoother, we’re wondering if you have any public library, design systems, guidelines (like for example Material Design), or other resources that can be used by the UX/UI team for designing and prototyping features. Anything that could help us integrate Speckle components more easily would be amazing.

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We may have some resources, but could you tell me more about what you are integrating Speckle into?

We are experimenting with a speckle-based object state management tool and we would like to check if the built in frontend framework fits our needs before building a new one. We would like to see the built in componenst of frontend-2 repository to investigate the possible solutions.

Hi there!

Our component library is available in this package here: https://github.com/specklesystems/speckle-server/tree/main/packages/ui-components

And you can explore the components in this public storybook link: https://646323d84e009d6c4aa0a084-qyxupbgouf.chromatic.com/

That storybook link isn’t the most recent version of the components though, I will have to return with the right link when I have it.

I hope this helps. Let me know if you have any questions!


Thank you very much!