Speckle Blender connection


Speckle for blender will not start. I have installed it but when i am trying to activate the add-on i get this message in blender

Were you able to use it before? Have you updated the Speckle Connector or the version of Blender you are using it in?

Can you confirm the version numbers of both?

Blender 3.6.2
Connector 2.15

No first time i tried.

Hey @Morten.Kaasik ,

Do you have any other Blender plugins installed?

Yes i also have BlenderBIM add-on installed

What version of Blender BIM do you have installed?

I can try and recreate the issue my end.

Seems to work for me here.
I can connect and receive a stream.

Blender 4 Alpha, latest Speckle, latest official BlenderBIM AddOn (Great! BTW)

Hi, i removed both blenderBIM and Speckle from blender, added them again, and now it works, case closed :wink: Thanks for the feedback.