Speckle AWS docker not working

I have spectle service setup on AWS using:
-Aurora RDS Postgre

  • EC2 docker compose for APP elements

I can see “:rocket: My name is Speckle Server, and I’m running at”}" , but my docker compose still says “Container speckle-server-speckle-server-1 Waiting” and I cannot access the App via GUI. Nothing in the logs beside stuff bellow:

{"@l":"Information","phase":"startup","@t":"2024-12-02T11:11:01.534Z","@mt":"🚀 My name is Speckle Server, and I'm running at"}
{"@l":"Information","req":{"id":"cccd44ad-9c8b-4fb8-aac5-5fc52ad2e45f","method":"GET","path":"/graphql","pathParameters":{"query":"{serverInfo{version}}"},"headers":{"content-type":"application/json","host":"","connection":"close","x-request-id":"cccd44ad-9c8b-4fb8-aac5-5fc52ad2e45f"}},"requestPath":"/graphql","@t":"2024-12-02T11:11:07.061Z","@mt":"{requestPath} request received"}
{"@l":"Information","req":{"id":"cccd44ad-9c8b-4fb8-aac5-5fc52ad2e45f","method":"GET","path":"/graphql","pathParameters":{"query":"{serverInfo{version}}"},"headers":{"content-type":"application/json","host":"","connection":"close","x-request-id":"cccd44ad-9c8b-4fb8-aac5-5fc52ad2e45f"}},"res":{"statusCode":200,"headers":{"x-request-id":"cccd44ad-9c8b-4fb8-aac5-5fc52ad2e45f","access-control-allow-origin":"*"}},"responseTime":2948,"requestStatus":"aborted","requestPath":"/graphql","@t":"2024-12-02T11:11:10.010Z","@mt":"{requestPath} request {requestStatus} in {responseTime} ms"}

@rokkotnik, everyone who might have insight into this from the Speckle team is rebuilding something magical on our public server for the next 48 hours; you may have to hope for help from other community members on a similar journey.

Bear with us - it’s “change the wheels on the car as it drives in the outer lane of the Autobahn” time. :spockle_joy:

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Ty for the notice. I was able to get it to work, but still Have some issues with Elasticache:

    return new ReplyError(string)

ReplyError: ERR unknown command 'punsubscribe', with args beginning with: PROJECT_COMMENTS_UPDATED
    at parseError (/speckle-server/node_modules/redis-parser/lib/parser.js:179:12)
    at parseType (/speckle-server/node_modules/redis-parser/lib/parser.js:302:14) {
  command: { name: 'punsubscribe', args: [ 'PROJECT_COMMENTS_UPDATED' ] }

I am wondering, if Redis OSS cache Engine 7.1 is not supported

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Elasticache (when in serverless mode) is not fully compatible with Redis, and restricts some Redis commands - including punsubscribe which speckle-server uses. Supported and restricted Valkey, Redis OSS and Memcached commands - Amazon ElastiCache



Thank you! Using custom elasticache now (not serverless) and it works!