Speckle and Azure


My name is Natália and I am new here. So, I wonder if with the open source code (the free plan) is possible for me to host the application in Azure, or is it only possible with the Enterprise plan?

Thank you

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Hey @Natalia_Medrano welcome to Speckle Community!

A fair question, but unlike other open-source projects, our licencing allows you to host your own server on whatever infrastructure you wish for free.

We only offer support for self-hosting via this forum, but you’ll see from search some very capable individuals and companies have shared a lot of info on hosting Speckle on Azure.

The Enterprise plans we offer typically are for Speckle-managed services in a regional data domain of your choice. With Speckle now releasing updates weekly this is an option taken by many where usage is enough that AEC firms not in the business of deploying servers and even some software companies focussed on their own tech value that security of us taking the strain of keeping things running, secure and up to date.

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