Speckle 2.19 Release Candidate is here šŸ„

Hello @Insiders

Weā€™ve been working hard on the latest updates, and the Release Candidate for version 2.19 is now ready for community testing :partying_face:. If youā€™re not feeling particularly adventurous, just stick to the stable 2.18 version for now to avoid any interruptions to your ongoing projects. The official stable 2.19 release will be available later this month after the community testing phase.

How to test?

Installing the release candidate is easy.

  1. Open the Speckle Manager and find your favourite Connector.
  2. From the menu (3 dots), choose ā€œAvailable versionsā€, and make sure that the ā€œShow pre-releasesā€ toggle is on.
  3. Install the 2.19.0-rc .

If you wish to revert back, click the install button for the 2.18 version in the ā€œAvailable versionsā€.

How to give feedback?

Post your feedback in this thread, and we will take it from there.

The new RC is packed with features and improvements, so give it a whirl and let us know what you think.

Whatā€™s Changed


  • Initial support for Rhino 8 on Windows :new:


  • Speckle connector will now initialize for Revit files that are opened directly (e.g. by double clicking) (thanks Mehdi-Lucas Ā· GitHub)
  • Added support for exporting parameters on groups (thanks @samberger)
  • Element parameters that are not visible will now be excluded
  • Added DLL conflict warning when third-party plugins load conflicting dependencies
  • Fixed issue with Revit wall by face in Revit 2022
  • Fixed stability issue where some objects were being deleted outside of a transaction
  • Fixed issue with type mapping dialog not picking up loaded families


  • Added support for Navisworks 2025 :new:


  • Added support for Sketchup 2024 :new:

Power BI

  • Power BI connector can now be installed from the Manager :partying_face:.

Power Bi Visual

  • Bumped version of the Viewer


  • Added support for Etabs 21 :new:
  • Fixed scaling issue

Unreal Engine

  • Added support for Unreal 5.4 :new:


  • Received Revit family elements will now include family type name in the object name


  • Automate SDK: support automate function input secrets in C# SDK
  • Automate SDK: Changed CreateNewVersionInProject to align with SpeckePy (thanks @chris.welch )
  • Core: Fixed bug in Commit Builder handling duplicated objects (thanks @andreas.lennartz )
  • Core: Replace BinaryFormatter with UTF-8 encoded bytes for SHA256 hash function (thanks @chris.welch ) This is a breaking change, see post

Hey folks, congrats on the RC - an issue here that might be worth including: Bug: Rhino Converter throws an error when unnamed collections are filtered Ā· Issue #3291 Ā· specklesystems/speckle-sharp (github.com) hit this today a couple of times


Thanks @chris.welch I think this one fell through the cracks :bowing_woman:

No worries, Iā€™m constantly amazed by the amount of surface area you manage to cover. By definition, thereā€™s going to be lots of cracks!


Thanks for adding Etabs 21 :+1: :ok_hand:


Are there any improvements for Archicad?