Speckle 2.15 - Design Options from Revit

When sending a commit from Revit yesterday I set the settings to be Selection from View, 3D View:3D

Add all object visible.

this worked perfectly yesterday.

Today I upgraded to Speckle 2.15 which supports design options. The model is showing Option 2 of a wall design, which is not the primary option but it IS the option shown in the view.

When I open the commit in the web browser all walls that are a part of the options are not shown. I dig into the settings and I see no options either in Revit or in the web view for options.

Am I missing something here?

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Thanks for the report, @scottyvalentine. This is not ideal.

Our overwhelming requests concerning Design Options were that all were previously sent, which was remarked as undesirable. e.g. Revit Design Option Settings are ignored in 'everything' stream - #11 by teocomi

A more sophisticated solution should be available for Views. I’ll table that with the Revit Connector Team.


Thanks for the reply. So what’s the course of action for me now? Just hold tight until there’s an update? Or you’ll let me know when the team has done some testing?


We’ve added this as a change to be addressed in 2.16

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As I understand it you can manually select all the elements in that view and send them to speckle in that way

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@scottyvalentine you can select and send any option a Revit view, model in Speckle viewer should be the same. How many design options and option sets do you have in your model?

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Ah yes Select, but not via view. That will work.

I just have 1 option set with 2 options much like your small test you’ve illustrated. Selection is via the same method you are showing.

I’ll try commit a few more times and see if it replicates the result I got before or if I get the result you have.

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So my results are as follows:

Default {3D} view - Options not shown
Duplicated {3D} view - Options not shown
Camera 3D View - Options not shown
Default {3D} view with all items manually selected - Options not shown.

Hmm, not sure what to make of that.

Hmm, that makes two of us. Thanks for testing @scottyvalentine . We will review the Connector logic and make the user experience more predictable.

What Revit version do yu use?
Could you share the model with us?

I’m using Revit 2022. I’ll share the model with you in a direct message.

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Thank you @Pavol for looking into this.

Success!! Finally.

So as you mentioned in your message it’s the “Exclude Options” tick box on the bottom right of the screen. An easy option to forget about. I did a view-based test and a manual selection test.

View based selection + Unticked Exclude Options = fail to upload. So if this button is open in the API it won’t help if you set the process to untick it I assume.

Manual selection + Unticked Exclude Options = Success! As you mentioned in your message it’s a What you see is what you get process so this worked well.

I hope this helps anyone else scratching their heads as to why they are missing parts of their model.