Share dashboard to external and public resocurces

I made a progress report in Power BI from Speckle, very good tool! however, I cannot share it with people who are “outside my organization”. Since I made my account to test, I don’t have anyone else in “my organization”. I tried sharing the link with the tools available in power bi, but it tells me that you can’t with external ones. Have any of you had experience with this?


Good question. I have a hunch your question comes from your PowerBI licensing situation more than anything specifically Speckle-related.

How are you attempting to share your dashboard?

Thanks for the answer, I understand that it may be an issue of my Power BI license but I was asking if anyone has had a similar problem. The best way to share it would be to leave it as a link in my official organization’s Teams, but first I have to extract it from this test organization.

A perfect use of the community, I agree.

Can any PowerBI powerhouses help @AJEREZ ?

We have asked ourselves the same question. PowerBI offers the embedded subscription model

Ramboll probably used this feature to publish their Carbon database. Microsoft Power BI

In Azure you can deploy a PowerBI embedded ressource which runs the dashboard. You are paying based on running time.

We never went further down the road of how you can restrict access to the data, especially for client-sensitive data. We stopped at how it could work and never executed the plan.

There is a pricing estimator for the ressource.

not sure if this is the way or if there are better options … maybe someone from Ramboll here can give some hints.

Hope this helps



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