Sending To Speckle from MicroStation - Receiving Error


I have been trying to convert MicroStation objects to AutoCAD using Speckle. I have the reverse working as intended. I am starting small and just trying to send a single Cell over but am getting this error:

I dont see any property value or name using the “@” symbol so that is what is confusing me. Additionally, I dont see any empty property names.

Any help would be appreciated! Thanks

Hey @cscox ,

The Microstation connector is an external contribution and unfortunately our team cannot assit directly. I’ll ping ther contributors as they might be able to help @JdB

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I figured as much since it was an external addition. Thank you!

Currently, we aren’t actively developing the Bentley connectors. We have made them open source so feel free to contribute!

Do you have any clues as to the issue i posted about? Really confused about how to proceed or avoid this issue.

I’m not very familiar with MicroStation so I don’t know if this is possible, but before you send it, could try to explode the object or maybe convert it to a different kind of object?

It would require a developer to try and send your object in debug mode to get more insights in the issue. So I would recommend that you look into the issue together with a developer.

A post was merged into an existing topic: Revit to Microstation