Running multiple instances of Revit Connector

What’s the best-practice for installing a custom version of RevitConnector alongside the official Manager installed version.

I’d like to leave as much intact as possible in case any PR comes from it.

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hey @jonathon,

that would heavily depend on what you intend to do. I fear this is something that is yet to be tested, so you may find some bumps along the way…

Will this connector also have DUI and the same dependencies as the original connector? Or would it be a completely different animal?

I would say as a “best-practice”, if you’re planning on deploying it alongside our connector, that you don’t package any of the shared dlls, and assume they’ll be loaded when Speckle loads.

This may have some drawbacks, but I’ve seen it work in Grasshopper with this strategy. Just package any unique dependencies to your “connector”, if that makes sense.

Anyway, would be happy to give you some further pointers once I have an idea of what you’re up to! :wink:

I’m also planning on getting started with some docs around this, so any insight you can share with us during the process would be great!!!

full disclosure: I’m looking to try and debug element types not currently converting, so it’s literally the same RevitConnector. mit pfiff

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Oh, so you basically have the release version installed, and you also want to debug the locally built one?

If you just want to debug our stuff, I’d suggest just removing the installed connector and running it in Debug directly, so you’d avoid having to load “2 different but same” connectors. Would that work for you?

I think it is also possible to Attach your IDE to the running revit and debug the released version, although I couldn’t say how. I’ll ask the team to see if that’s doable.

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Uninstall/Reinstall is fine and what I have already started with. I was just looking for a low friction way of still having something I haven’t broken.

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Just to add to what Alan said: the current post-build action copies the built files in the same exact location as our installers, so in theory there is no need to “uninstall” - unless you want to make sure that your local environment is “clean”.

Attaching the debugger to a release version of the connector will probably not work since it lacks the pdb files :wink: