Running into timeouts when sending from archicad /w properties


Running into an issue when trying to send out a modell with properties attached from archicad.
Objective: Sending Archicad geometry (cca 3500 objects) with all advanced settings enabled ( Send Properties, Listing Parameters)

Issue : Running into an error halfway through that reads "Request cancelled due to httpClient.Timeout 300seconds timeout ". First question: Is this 300s set on our server or does the limitation come from the connector?

I am able the full modell with 30000 elements if i dont send properties and Listing parameters, but i get a timeout on 10% of that if i enable those options. Is this expected behaviour or is it something with the modell that causes it?

Hej Andrei,

Any chance you could share the model with us for debugging?
I believe some properties are not being properly detached - this probably doesn’t mean much to you, as it’s something for us to check & fix :slight_smile:

Cant share this specific one but i will try to reproduce this with another model. Will share a link with you if successful

Hey, I had the same problem with another model ( roughly 20.000 elements). I’ve been testing a few things, and I found a sample model in Graphisoft, which I’ll use for this explanation since I can’t share the other one.
The model is S-Life Express from Archicad’s sample library ( roughly 10.000 elements):
(Archicad Sample Projects - Graphisoft Community).
I can’t send the Archicad file directly here because it’s too large.

I was experiencing the exact same issue with the message popping up that said, “300s timeout.”

At first, I kept trying, thinking the transfer to Speckle wasn’t being saved. But after a few attempts, I realized it was actually saving the progresss, as I was getting further into the upload process each time. On the 6th or 7th try, it finally uploaded to Speckle perfectly :smiley:.

Suggestion: Add a prompt that says something like, “300 seconds have passed during your upload. Do you think this is a reasonable time for this model? Would you like to continue uploading?” Then, repeat the question every 500 seconds or so. This could temporarily help solve the issue.

Thx for the support and good job solving issues with the new archicad integration,


Forgot the link:

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Hi @teocomi

Did you resolve this in the v2 connector for ArchiCAD?
We’re still seeing issues with 300s timeouts.


Hey @martinromby ,

We are actively working on the next-gen Archicad connector and this is something we are trying to workaround as we speak. I hope I’ll share some good news soon.

Sounds really good @gokermu! :raised_hands:
A lot of users are still using the v2 Connectors while the team is work on the next-gen connectors.
Are you still supporting development on the current connectors? We’re still pushing PR’s on the speckle-sharp repo.

We do but it’s mostly around immediate bug fixes and quick wins.

Hi, I have run into this issue with several models.

  1. Currently Im using a model that has a lot of “groups”, and I think, that might be part of the problem as when I isolate the layers I want to exclude, the objects are not actually isolated, unless the “suspend groups” tool is activated

Example - Groups of objects used of workflow purposes (not excluded in this step)

If those objects are excluded from the selection with “suspend groups” and filters, then the amount of selected objects in Speckle window will be the same as the “editable” ones, displayed with “Find & select”. But the group data relation might be keep when sending the geometry? As I have been able to send models that did not had groups with around 8000 elements an the “Send Properties, Listing Parameters” settings.

  1. I also tried uploding the model through 3.0.0-beta.1 ArchiCAD v3 connector, but it keeps uploading indefinitely.
    Not sure if I missed a step that its blocking the beta connector. I opened the connector through this path
    Window → Paletes → Speckle connector



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Hey Marco,

thanks for the feedback! The problem is likely caused by the size of the data you try to send. In the current version of the v3 ArchiCad connector we send the data as one large chunk. In the next release we will address this issue by splitting the data into multiple smaller chunks which should resolve this issue.

The next update will be released probably this week.


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Hey Marco!

The new v3 ArchiCAD connector has been released yesterday. It should resolve the problem when you try to send large models to Speckle. You can also expect a significant speedup with the send process.



@martinromby @MGark @Andrei We believe this issue is resolved.

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