Rhino 8 Error Loading Speckle

Hello Everyone,

I am unable to use speckle with Rhino 8 as it displays an error while trying to load the speckle connector.

“Unable to load SpeckleConnectorRhino.rhp plug-in: initialization failed”.

I saw an old topic where this issue was related with the Rhino bits version but I am almost certain that is not the case.


Welcome to Speckle Community @Andre_Malheiro1. It’s great to see you here.

Let’s get you going with Speckle for Rhino and Grasshopper.

  • Which version of Rhino 8 do you have? Speckle needs >= 8.3

  • Which version of Speckle Connector have you installed? Should be >= 2.19

  • What dotnet runtime setting are you active at the moment? It needs to be NETCore


Thank you both for the welcome and the reply.

It is solved, your indications were precise, my rhino was set to NETFramework instead of NetCore. It is working now.

Thank you.

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