Revit to Blender Materials Not Showing

Hi everyone,

I am a beginner in Blender, really excited for my journey ahead. I am just playing around with a model to get an understanding. I was able to add a texture to a basic cube, but when I tried to apply it to a wall from Revit. The texture isnt appearing but the colour is showing. Would someone be able to assist me for this please.

Thank you all!!

Hey @Jason_Trajkovski, we don’t fully support material textures… yet.

Hey Jonathon,

Thanks for the reply, I am abit confused? How does it work on the cube but not the wall?

Apologies my mistake, I answered in haste as the transfer of textures is one of the top queries we get.

Could you share your screenshots in a resolution that the nodes are visible. We have some expert Blender users here in the community who maybe able to help more with this Blender question.

Any thoughts @zoomer ?

Not a problem, your responses are much appreciated! I have attached 2 images, one of the material on a wall imported from Revit. The other is just a regular cube with the material.

Sorry, unfortunately my familiarity with Blender’s Material System is still
pretty low.

So far I thought Speckle Material support would not support any image
textures and mapping - just basic colors.
I was pretty irritated to see a texture on that cube.

But I think in fact it is a Material created in Blender and maybe even the
box created in Blender. So maybe so far no Speckle involved (?)

And if I got the thread starters problem right,
the Revit Wall may have been streamed down from Revit via Speckle to
Blender - and will not show/display the texture in Blender (?)

for exchange it was meant that you stream up a CAD App BIM Model to
Speckle and stream it down to Blender.
In Blender you would overwrite the Materials with proper PBR settings
for visualization.

I just could never test if updating the model with newer versions via
Speckle would always keep the material overwriting in Blender
as do do only use, or better test, one Speckle Supported App,
which is Blender.
(Beside Vectorworks and Bricscad on the CAD/BIM side or Cinema4D,
Modo and Twinmotion on the 3D side)

So I still have no clue how lossless a visualization related exchange
workflow via Speckle can be.
E.g. what will happen if you stream up a new Wall from BIM with an existing
material, would Blender use its own overwritten material or import a new
material doublet.
In the past I had to fight with all kind of such potential synch issues in
several of more or less lossless exchange solutions between CAD and
3D Apps.
(AFAIK Vectorworks to Twinmotion synch via Datasmith still doesn’t reliable
keep material overwriting after a new synch in all cases)

And what happens in this thread’s case.
I think we have not enough information.
I can’t imagine Blender would refuse to assign a Blender Material to an
imported geometry by Speckle - it should be just a standard mesh.

  • is there just a missing UVW definition ?
  • brought Speckle in a material doublet ? (unlikely from the node editor)
  • is the Wall import from Revit corrupt (?)
  • …

Thank you Zoomer for your detailed message I really appreciate your assistance! Im surprised this issue hasn’t come up before, so it must be something wrong with my end.

I will try importing the model without speckle and seeing if the material works on it through a regular import. Any other tips you could suggest?

Well, for direct import there is the BlenderBIM AddOn via IFC export from Revit.
But so far I never understood the way IFC stores Materials.
Whenever I try to import an IFC, for me it looks like each Material is duplicated
by the numbers of elements it was assigned.

I have no Revit, so no direct Speckle testing option.
So far I load IFCs (from VW or Bricscad) up to Speckle directly.
Where the results from IFC exports directly into Blender(BIM)
are usually more promising.
But still no clue about getting control over that IFC material assignment …

Very interesting. Might be something to amend on the next update. Usually I’ll start a visualisations once a design is completely anyway, but if there is any amendments during that process it’ll be an issue.

Thank you for all your help, this has been very insightful

In case you haven’t caught it, the tutorial from @gokermu covers replacing named Revit materials with Blender PBR materials, there shouldn’t be any obstacles

If this methodology no longer works, please let us know.

Thanks for this. Give me a few days and I’ll get back to you once I follow this!

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