Revit - Hosted elements and Element filtering in Speckle

Hi guys!

We are currently using Speckle in our office for (among other things) QC/QA tasks, giving project leads quick and easy access to our BIM models.

I realized that when filtering & isolating our Revit models in Speckle for some parameter value, hosted elements like doors and windows are isolated even if they don’t match the filter criteria.

For examle, in the screenshot below, I filtered for elements that have a certain parameter value for the parameter “cost category” so that project leads can easily check for correct categorization of building elements. When I isolate these filtered elements, the doors hosted in the walls get isolated too even though they have not yet been categorized in Revit - perhaps leading to the (incorrect) assumption that they are, indeed, already categorized.

I do also realize that this way of isolating can be better for visualisation purposes - but maybe we can find a better solution? :slight_smile:

Hi @hwollersheim,

You’re correct; that was a limitation of the current (soon to be outdated) connectors. However, I have some good news! This issue has been addressed in the next-generation Revit connector. If you have the latest connectors installed, you should already have the next-gen connector as well. Please try sending it using that and let me know if you still encounter the issue.

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@gokermu thanks for answering. I can’t really test with the new connectors as all of our existing projects were sent using the legacy ones. But I’ll take your word for it :wink:

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We will launch a public Speckle Automate function called Pivot very shortly. Intended for legacy and v2 connector data, it has the side effect of allowing just this filtering. Ill keep in touch when it is fully cooked.

However, your projects will need to be within a workspace.

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