Revit conversion errors


Pipe type Eau froide sanitaire not found; replaced with Alimentation hydraulique
Le léger décalage de la ligne par rapport à l’axe risque d’affecter la précision.

how can i get the same 3D that i drew on the other version ?

@Dehimi_Ikhlass Can you help us help you a little more?

  • What version of Revit?
  • where are you sending the data, same version of Revit? ArchiCAD?
  • If Revit are the same families available?
  • Is the conversion changing data?
  • You mention Domestic Cold Water becoming Hydronic Supply - is this the system classification or some other field?
  • Are all the elements being published visible in the Speckle web application?

Any project URL you can share? Screenshots?


Les noms ne peuvent contenir aucun des caractères suivants:
\ : { } [ ] | ; < > ? ` ~
ni aucun des caractères non imprimables.
Objects failed to bake due to a fatal error!
This is likely due to scaling issues - please ensure you’ve set the correct units on your objects or remove any invalid objects.

Revit error: Les noms ne peuvent contenir aucun des caractères suivants:
\ : { } [ ] | ; < > ? ` ~
ni aucun des caractères non imprimables.

The value was too large or too small for an Int64. how can I solve this problem?

#help #Int64 #revit

  • What version of Revit? it’s to make a transfer from Revit 2024 to Revit 2022.
  • where are you sending the data, same version of Revit? ArchiCAD? it’s to make a transfer from Revit 2024 to Revit 2022.
  • If Revit are the same families available ? Yes, I just duplicate one of them and rename it, that’s all
  • Is the conversion changing data? Yes
  • You mention Domestic Cold Water becoming Hydronic Supply - is this the system classification or some other field? I don’t know, I didn’t montionned that.
  • Are all the elements being published visible in the Speckle web application ? Yes, they are tottally visible, unlike transfer
  • the link is :

@jonathon any idea about how i get the same model like the link

You will need to share the project with me - I have no access

Either add me as a collaborator or set the project as Link shared
