Revit connector API

In my organization, we have a revit plug-in that executes some business logic and we wondering if the Revit Connector API is available so we can create a server and send data to our speckle server programmatically on the fly just by clicking 1 button that runs our core logic plus the speckle api commads. Is that doable?

Yes, this is possible, and others have done it before.

In Speckle v2, this was typically achieved by:

  • Loading Speckle Connector DLLs via reflection or
  • Importing our NuGet packages directly.

Speckle v3 is still evolving, but a similar approach might be viable. However, we generally discourage modifying the core connector experience, as Speckle connectors are updated frequently, and forking or deeply integrating at this level can introduce maintenance and compatibility risks.

If you proceed with this and plan on distribution, ensure it’s clearly distinguished from an official Speckle connector (maybe call it Sparkle or something else!) so users understand it’s a custom integration.

Before diving in, though, it’s worth considering the actual motivation here—what additional functionality do you need? Given that you posted this in the Automate channel, I’d highlight that we’re actively exploring how Speckle Automate can provide a more scalable and robust way to introduce custom behaviours, checks, analyses, and transformations post-send—without modifying the core connector experience.

Would that approach work for your use case?


Thanks for the guidelines, I will explore the repo and find the commands that will help me to achieve my goal.
In terms of automation, my team is looking to automate the process of sending data to speckle server by pressing only 1 click. Almost similar to the onclick mode speckle feature but additionally we want the button to run some internal logic.

Intriguing. Sounds fun.