Revit and speckle

Hello community.

I’m trying to use speckle in revit. When I hit send the file and it says "SET TO “…” VIEW IN ONLINE. I try to open the link and this image appears
I attach file to see the problem

Proyecto1.rte (3.7 MB)

@Jessica, I apologize that your post slipped through the gaps as you posted in the SpeckleV1 category.

As we move toward the new frontend, the URL schema for Projects and Models differs from the one previously used with Streams and Branches.

If you have the latest version of the Revit Connector, you can switch the behaviour to suit whatever version of the server you are using.


For reference:

  • is the older schema (stream, branch and commit) and frontend application
  • is the newer (project, model and version) in the new frontend (as per your screenshot)