Revit "Sentry.Internal..." error

I am having the same issue. Here is what i can provide about my situation:

  • Revit 2023
  • Connector version is 2.17.0
  • No VPN
  • on my laptop (not a virtual machine)
  • it worked 2 or so weeks ago on this computer. (im not sure what version of the connectors i was using at that time)
  • I tried moving the Revit connector back to 2.15.2 because the speckle server I’m using is 2.15.0. This worked.
  • With 2.15.2 I couldn’t receive any geometry that was sent from Rhino. Rhino sent the geometry using 2.17.0.
  • I also tried sending geometry to Speckle from Revit using the 2.15.2 and it sent it fine. But im unable to receive it in Rhino using 2.17.0. It gives me a error that was something like a version mismatch (something like that)

error for reference:

If i search for ‘sentry’ in the …\AppData\Roaming\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2023

the dll is only located in Speckle folder:

Update: I rolled both Rhino and Revit connectors back to 2.16.3 and it seems to be working just fine. I was able to receive geometry in both without issue.

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Thank you to you all for your reports and further details. We think we have identified the cause and will now raise a development ticket to address it as soon as we can.


Hi again, is the problem solved ?

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Hey Eray,

We’re still working hard to get this issue sorted out. I really appreciate your patience.


Hi there,

I’m really curious to try Speckle & Blender out for our architectural renderings, however I’ve run into the same issue as above; Revit could not complete the external command…

I have removed all old plugins that aren’t neccessary to me to no avail, and I couldn’t find PnlDmodeler.dll on my computer as advised above. The only other plugin that could be interfering is Rhino Inside Revit, though I don’t have that active when I try to start the Speckle Revit Connector. And I don’t have the Rhino, Grasshopper or Dynamo speckle connectors installed. I’m running Revit 2022, and have tried R2024 but received a similar message.

Any ideas? Many thanks.

@Schippeaux I have moved your report to a different but the same issue from the thread you replied to.

We are actively working on this fix due in the coming release.

I installed speckle for Revit 2020. After launching the speckle connector I am receiving the following error.

Good to know I’m not the only person with this issue. Figured it was because of my VPN or firewall like most of these problems but it doesn’t seem like it.

Edit: seems to be an issue with 2.17.0 as 2.16.3 works fine for me.

My setup:

  • Windows 11
  • VPN
  • Revit 2023

Edit 2: looks like the 2.17.0 powerbi visualizer doesn’t work with 2.16.3 Revit connector but the 2.15.0 does :+1: (just in case anyone runs into the same issue)

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There can indeed be several causes. What we are working on is that the reporting to you (and also us) is clearer on what the actions should be.

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Hi @Schippeaux @Siva ,

This looks like due to a conflict with another plugin installed, please see here the steps for identifying it and search for the Sentry dll intead: Revit Connector Error - #11 by teocomi

Thank you for seeking help! Our friendly community is here to assist you. :pray:

To assist you better, please consider providing:

  • Objective: Open/use speckle in RVT 2022

  • Issue: Get error when trying to open Speckle

  • Example: See picture below

  • Speckle link:

  • Logs:

Hi @Agni_M could you please list all your Revit and Dynamo addins?
This seems like a conflict.


Could you please check if any Dynamo plugin in use might have such sentry.dll anywhere?

Many thanks!
Here the addins I have in RVT 2022:

When I tryed to load/open Dynamo within Rvt I get the following:


Should I try to dissable something?

Some early reports seem to indicate that Autodesk Data Exchange Connector is the cause of the conflict, but it could also be another plugin.

One (slow and boring) way to find the source of the conflict is to temporarily move, one by one, each .addin file that you see in the list above to a different location (eg your desktop).

We’re working on our end to find a solution, but the above might be faster.

UPDATE: @Agni_M , @velochad, @erayalkan , @audrius, @Myriam_Hartig , @RJCoolpix880 , @Schippeaux, @Siva

Thanks all for bearing with as as we have been deep-diving into a solution for the issues you raised.

Looking for commonalities has been tricky, but we have an action plan for any of you willing to help.

We released on Friday a specific build to address hypothesis A. If you were able to download this, test it and report back any improvements.

You can access test builds with this flag in Manager:

We will test hypothesis B separately. We didn’t want to confuse anyone.

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Awesome, thank you @jonathon! Giving it a try right now.

Thank you @jonathon !
I have already tried. After installation I keep getting the same warning message:

Obs. Its happening only in Rvt 2022. I have been using Speckle in Rvt 2024 without any problem.

I’m getting the same error in 2023.